
Parkray Consort 9

Overall Rating:

3 flames

based on 8 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Parkray Consort 9

A larger Parkray stove, available with 2 different boiler options and as a flat-top stove, or a choice of 2 heights of canopy.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 2.5 flames
Quality of finish 3 flames
Value for money 2.5 flames
Ease of use 3 flames
Ease of lighting 3.5 flames
Firebox size 3.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 3 flames
Controllability 3 flames
Handle operation 3 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 2.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 2.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Very Disappointed

    Barbra Barker 4 years ago

    This was our first ever stove and approximately 9 months after installation it started to rust at the top, it progressively got worse and after about 18 months we contacted Parkray as we had
    heard they had coating issues. They refused to speak to us and we had to go through our installer, they told him the pictures we had provided of the rust looked like a clothing issue and to go away. We spoke to another installer and he told us he''d taken out many Parkrays for this issue and that we should try again, we did and we got nowhere. We are now about to replace a 3 year old stove with a different brand at our own significant expense and we are shocked that we are in this position but the stove looks scruffy and ancient. Compared the the Chesney we have fitted in another room the Parkray Consort 9 is dreadful and Parkray's after sales service and support is even worse.

    Stove expert replied: I have experience of Parkray stoves having a problem with paint issues and when this has occurred the stoves have been replaced under warranty without any problem. Your supplier should inform Hunter with all the relevant details if this occurs during the warranty period, if it is not a major problem, paint can be supplied to respray the affected area. .

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Disappointing

    T Keddle 11 years ago

    After about 3 months use the grate bars started to deform and break. The fire is always riddled and emptied when necessary although we do run it hot as it heats a large house. We did eventually
    manage to get some replacement grate bars from parkray but they were half an inch shorter than the originals so didn't fit very well. After a few more phone calls to parkray they sent someone out to look at them and although they were shorter and did not fit properly he said they were the same???? I do realise metal moves around with heat but not to that extent in one direction only. And as the old ones were curved by the heat they should have been "shorter" not longer than the replacements?After 3 years of being very careful with the fire we are still replacing grate bars. The original 30 odd old parkray we had never had this problem which is why we went back to them but they are obviously not up to the quality they used to be. I'd never buy another parkray as they are no better than the cheaper brands and the after sales service leaves much to be desired (it's always your fault and not theirs sort of approach).

    Stove expert replied: You say you run the stove hot, are you running it on max al the time? When you riddle the stove do you do this until red embers fall into the ashpan or do you keep riddling until no ash is left? Do you empty the ash pan straight away or leave the ash to build up in the ash pan? Only riddle until red embers fall into the ashpan and try to leave a bed of ash to protect the grates. Empty the ashpan straight away. If the grates have stretched it could be the metal bar that they sit on has also moved and the new bars will not sit properly.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

More reviews for Parkray Consort 9

  • leaking stove

    Joy Smith 5 years ago

    bought the consort 9 multi fuel stove 2 years ago, was very happy with it until it started leaking. Parkray took a month to sort out which left us with no heating, sent another parkray consort
    9 out had it reinstalled to find out a week later the two doors were not shutting tightly. Have not got onto parkray as I don''t want to wait another month without heating to get it sorted. Would not buy another parkray fire lost all faith in them, after customer service is poor. Very disappointed.

    Stove expert replied: Door adjustment should be covered in the manual that comes with the stove and should be undertaken to prevent possible damage should the stove not be controllable due to the amount of air getting into it. Following up this with the manufacturer is important and should not be left.

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Very pleased!

    8 years ago

    So far so good! Great heat output, easy to control air intake, easy to clean. Looks great & really impressed so far, looking forward to cold weather coming.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Parkray Consort 9 glass

    8 years ago

    We had this burner installed in September 2012 in our kitchen come snug. We mostly sit in our front room in the winter months using the burner in the kitchen only to dry washing because our
    dogs find it too hot with both on all the time. The fire in the front room was in when we moved in in Nov 2011 and no problems with the glass panels in the doors. Unfortunately the same can't be said for the Parkray Consort 9 in our kitchen. In Feb and March this yr both glass panels cracked. The fire wasn't blazing or mega hot it was just ticking over nicely. When I contacted the company who we purchased it from and stated we believed there was a fault with the glass, ironically we were informed the glass only has a life span of 3.5 yrs despite not used 365 days a yr. This information should be provided to purchasers so they know every 3.5yrs they will be expected to pay approx £150 to replace the glass doors.Not happy with this make and definitely not purchasing this make again.

    Stove expert replied: Glass does not come with a life time so it seems strange that you were given this information and it is not covered by a manufacturers warranty, It is classed as a consumable part and I feel that you have been very unlucky for both to crack at the same time. This is unusual, what fuel were you burning? Some fuels when burning slowly can produce more gas than is being removed from the firebox, that builds up and can cause it to ignite and this may be what caused the glass failure.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Absolute pleasure

    Chris Charles 9 years ago

    Cape Winters can be very cold and wet. And up to quite recently we had an open fireplace which, understandably, was heavy on fuel and pretty inefficient. So chose this wood stove option. It'
    s very simple to light, quickly fires up and easy to control the heat output. It's most economical on fuel too. Even slow cooked meals on it. Yes, the glass needs cleaning occasionally and the ash pan is quite tricky to empty. (Ash is a dirty business!) Yet, glancing over the other reviews here, I would venture that some have not comprehensively read the operating instructions or have installed the stove incorrectly as I have not experienced the faults/flaws mentioned.
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Awful!

    Isobel Giles 9 years ago

    We bought this stove last month . It's a double Sided one and so far , using wood , it takes ages and ages to get going . As the other reviewer said , the ashpan is small and the lip on both
    sides is hopeless for removing ash . I was hoping for one that would be clean and easy . The bars that you riddle the ash with are clunky and ALREADY are out of alignment . The glass is not clean and on the whole , we have spent a fortune on a hopeless fire . I would not recommend buying this fire at all !
    Overall rating:

    1 flames

  • awful!

    Roy Rowthorn 10 years ago

    I grow up with a parkray so in my new house when the oil central heating packed up I new straight away that I wanted to convert the house to parkray what a mistake where do I start! the ash
    pan is far to small, it does not fit in the hole so ash falls through the grate & goes everywhere you can't clean it out properly as there's a big lip in the way you can't get the tool on the ash pan as it does not fit in the gap the fire bed is far to shallow the thermostat is pointless as it just over rides what you do anyway and let's it's self go out over all a really badly designed stovegive me my old 20 year old parkray anyday of the week, the ash can fitted property you could clean it out as there wasn't a lip around the bottom I could go on I want to take it out and replace it but looking around they all seem to be the same badly designed things with no thought given to the end user

    Stove expert replied: Very disappointing feedback. Always research a stove prior to purchase to insure that it provides the features that are required. Modern stoves will be different to their predecessors due to on-going development and research that manufacturers continually undertake. Changes made are to enhance their products for ease of use and in this case it appears not to have fulfilled this customers requirements. No evidence that Parkray have been contacted regarding the ash handle that should be covered under warranty if it does not fit.

    Overall rating:

    1 flames