
Earlswood stove

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 12 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
ACR Earlswood stove

The ACR Earlswood is a 5kw stove with a plain uncluttered design.

Technical Data
  • Height: 536mm
  • Width: 480mm
  • Depth: 356mm
  • Flue Diameter: 125mm
  • Fuel: Multifuel
  • Nominal Heat Output: 5kW
  • Efficiency: 78%

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 4.5 flames
Value for money 4 flames
Ease of use 4 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 3 flames
Controllability 3.5 flames
Handle operation 3.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Earlswood Stove

    Andy Roughley 9 years ago

    Brilliant little stove. Purchased Jan '15 the heat output is brilliant and the glass stays nice and clear. I'm in a smoke controlled area and this doesn't cause a problem. Nice dry logs seasoned
    in my newly built log store and sometimes smokeless coal. I clear the ash pan before lighting every time and even if it's been burning a good 6 hours it's not full. I can't fault it
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Earlswood

    Simon 13 years ago

    I installed this at the start of November as a secondary heat source. It has been lit every evening, often at the request of my other half who did not "know she wanted a stove". If damp wood
    is used and the air restricted it will soot up the glass (but easily cleaned) . With dry wood, the glass stays very clean, produces minimal ash and the stove is very controllable (seems very airtight apart from tertiary air inlets, which are set on the back of the stove) I have not tried to keep the stove in overnight with wood, as I believe this is not a good idea. I have used smokeless fuel on occasion, and this has still had glowing embers the following evening! Only downside (if burning smokeless) is that the ash pan not that large, but I think this is due to the amount of ash that smokeless fuel makes. I would definitely recommend this stove.

    Stove expert replied: Damp wood should not be used as this can lead to tar residues building up in the flue and can lead to chimney fires if used for prolonged periods. Ensure that short periods of fast burn are undertaken to minimize this (15 - 20 mins at least daily). Wood should have a moisture content of less than 20%, a good investment would be a moisture metre.

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Earlswood stove (page 1 of 2)

  • ACR Earlswood

    David W 9 years ago

    Had stove for 2 months. A great little burner, but you really must have wood that's dry
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Insufficient heat output

    Karri Sharp 10 years ago

    We had this stove and chimney liner installed 4 weeks ago and burn smokeless coal. The heat output is poor and all the heat just seems to be going up the chimney. When we open the door the fire
    is really hot but when we close the door we feel little heat. The filler that seals the flue to the plate is cracking and falling off onto the top of the stove. We would not recommend.
    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Odd mark in glass

    David Cox 10 years ago

    Great stove but only used for the first time yesterday and the glass has a strange mark inside it which doesn't fog up or get affected by blackening of the glass. First fire was kindling only
    , gently increasing heat, also second fire. Then started to increase heat on third fire and lastly added one log. Mark in glass still there. Looks like a defect. Wood is 20% moisture content. Any ideas anyone?
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • ACR Earlswood

    Mike Heal 10 years ago

    Installed the above on recommendations of a plumber friend. It is perfect as a secondary heat source and makes our lounge toasty and warm. It is best with dry wood and will blacken the glass
    if the wood is even slightly damp. We find that a quick rub with a wet cloth and cream cleaner soon cures it and cleans up the glass. Ash pan capacity not big enough IMHO, needs more ashing out if wood has thick bark so I generally try chopping the bark off. 9/10 for me [apart from chopping logs/ashing out/drying logs/sawing logs/stacking logs and all that faffing about] otherwise most pleasing to sit in lounge and just chill [pun intended]
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Great little stove for the money

    Andre Wright 11 years ago

    This stove is very good value for money and burns great as a Hetas fitter I just know they will burn a treat every time I install one
    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • Generally Very Pleased

    Dave Goldthorpe 11 years ago

    Our first experience with a stove was Clearview in a rented property which had a brilliant airwash system and the glass stayed clean at all times. It was too big for our new house and we liked
    the look of the Earlswood more. It is great - neat with a good size strong ashpan. The major gripe and it has become a pain is the fact that the glass gets really badly stained. It seems as though the instructions are at odds with the advice here. You are saying closing the primary air vent will lead to staining. Memo to manufacturer CHANGE THE INSTRUCTIONS!!Really good heat output, stinks like heck when first used, but they all do.

    Stove expert replied: The air wash control should be left open as this keeps the glass clean. If you are burning damp wood then the glass will blacken up. It can take a while to get used to a new stove and where the controls work best.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • Perfect easy to use stove

    Steve Barns 11 years ago

    After 2yrs of do we don't we, we bought the Earlswood, and don't regret it at all.It produces great amount of heat and looks good as well. we paid the extra over the cheaper ranges of stoves
    to get a better more efficient stove, up to now we have no regrets. Yes the glass smokes up with logs when you close it down but it soon clears once up to temperature. A flue thermometer helped at first to learn how to control and when to dampen down the fire.Buy one , you won't regret it.
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Nice looking stove

    S Field 11 years ago

    Have just installed the ACR earlswood stove and it looks lovely. However the glass gets very dirty, and the fire is either burning fiercely if air vents open, or with primary closed and top
    vent 50% closed the fire almost goes out. Our wood has been dried for nearly 3 years, so can't be that, so what are we doing wrong?Also can anyone tell us what the rotating part of the grate is for?

    Stove expert replied: This will de-ash the stove so that the ash falls into the ashpan. Leave the top lever open fully to keep the glass clean and use the bottom lever to alter the rate of burn.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • Great Little Stove for a new user

    Crystal Hornsey 11 years ago

    I bought this stove due to it being DEFRA approved and its simple design and had it installed by an approved fitter last summer. It seems to burn well and I have a good draw from the chimney
    but I find it hard to control the burn rate. Either it is burning very quickly and needs restocking after 30-40minutes or the glass gets tarred up. As recommended in the manual I have the bottom (Primary) control pulled out to light it with the top all the way to the right (open). Then after ~10minutes I push the bottom (primary) control all the way in and use the top lever to adjust the burn rate. However, there is very little movement in this top control. The fire seems to get hotter with the top lever to the left (closed) and the wood lasts longer but the glass gets tarred up. Please can someone help tell me the best way to use this. Is there a compromise that will give a) the best hear output (get the room the hotest the quickest)b) make the wood last the longestc) keep the glass clean? Other than not being quite sure we are using it the correct way to get the best out of it the ACR Earlswood is a great little fire. Changing the door seals is simple to do and there is generally very little maintenance. We had this on for 7 hours last night and it increased the room temperature by 7oC so ~1oC/hour. I don't have anything to compare this to but it saves us a lot on heating.

    Stove expert replied: The Smoke Exempt model stoves will always allow air into the stove to dilute the flue gases hence little change in the rate of burn, as you have found shutting it will darken the glass. Try leaving a small air was bleed to help keep the glass clean.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

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