
Burley Hollywell 9105 stove

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 74 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Burley Hollywell 1905 stove

Very good efficiency rating -

a simple design suitable for a smokeless area.

This model is part of the Surefire range of Burley stoves.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 4 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 4 flames
Handle operation 4.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Excellent Fire in all aspects

    Chris McHugh 3 years ago

    Having had the Burley stove for over 4 years, I am totally satisfied with the performance and reliability. I use Kiln Drien Birch and the fire provides heat throughout the living and dining
    areas. The large window provides a great view of the fireball effect and is one of the main reasons I bought the stove. I use the fire daily from mid October to April and only empty the ash every 4-6 weeks. I recently had a question about the door and had immediate response from the team at Burley.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Burley woodburner

    P Robinson 13 years ago

    We spent a considerable amount of time researching stoves and finally settled on the Burley after reading their product literature and seeing one in action in a local shop. We had saved for
    some time so could have purchased any stove but ruled out some as they just seemed too expensive. We couldn't see in what ways the other high end brands were better than the Burley. Stove is very good to use, very easy to control and the wood / metal handle remains cool enough to use without the glove. My only minor criticism is that the door handle can work slightly loose but is easy to tighten up. I am sure this could be fixed with a little thought. The air control on the bottom is particularly easy to use and I think this is better than many other types offered on other stoves.The firebox is a good size and the stove burns very well. The big door is great and the flames look very good. We only burn good quality seasoned wood and I am sure this helps. It seems very efficient and heats our room and surrounding space well. Build quality is very good and on a par with the other stoves we looked at. I don't think there is much between the top end stoves and can't see the reason for the big differences in price. The margins between the different makes is possibly the difference. The stove has the benefit of a double glazed door and the glass does stay very clean - very impressed with this when compared to others. Overall we are very pleased with the Burley. It looks very good (better than the pictures) and fits well in our very old cottage. It has good proportions and rather than being overly wide it is more narrow and tall in shape which we like. Heats up quickly, burns well and is controllable. Compared with the others we considered (clearview, woodwarm and morso) I consider this to be very good value.

    Stove expert replied: Fair review for a cheaper stove and customer happy with overall performance. Prices do vary so it is worth shopping around to get the best value for your money.

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Burley Hollywell 9105 stove (page 1 of 8)

  • Still brilliant after six years

    Dave Chislett 4 years ago

    We have had this woodburner for over six years and it is superb. It is always easy to light quickly. It gives out loads of heat. It''s easy to control. Still, after 600 to 700 burns each lasting
    between 5 and 10 hours - the glass is very clear. It makes very little ash-often needing emptying only after about 20 fires. We love to watch the fire through the big glass, then the embers as the hours pass. (its also good for roasting chestnuts) When we light it, we are able to see the entire burn without the glass becoming covered with tar. If we don''t light it so well, a light tar covers the glass - but this all clears as the firebox warms up. A really good stove.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Poor starting

    Jim Muir 4 years ago

    I''ve had this wood burner for 5 years and every year when I first try and get it going major problems chimney swept kiln dry wood does this steel baffle contribute to this I''m on my third
    does anyone have a similar problem I''m at a loss professionally installed etc

    Stove expert replied: When the stove is first lit after a break, the draw and cold flue may contribute to ignition problems. It is unlikely that the baffle is affecting this unless it has become distorted and then it can affect the overall performance of a stove. The baffle can become distorted if the flue has a strong draw, the controls are set incorrectly, the seals are not effective or the incorrect fuel is being used (or a combination of more than one of these). A stove pipe thermometer will ensure that you are operating the stove within the correct parameters and is inexpensive for this peace of mind.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • 18 months of a Burley

    Harry Langworthy 4 years ago

    I apologise that I submitted a review for the wrong model of stove ( the next model up) when it should have been the Holywell. So to reiterate, this stove is very difficult to light, takes 2
    hours to heat up , glass clouds up. I have a flue backed up by building inspector with excellent draw and kept swept 2 x each year. Back firebrick cracked, and like so many other reviews, the baffle has burnt out. Go for a Clearview or similar. The " most efficient stove in the world"? Does not come out in independent reviews ever, just Burley say so. So disappointed!
    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames

  • Mr

    Alan Anderson 5 years ago

    I have to multi stoves in my property 1 Burley 1905 and a tiger stove of which is note a burley stove.I have had repeated issue with the burley stove replacing the stainless steel baffle 3 times
    and the front glass 2 times also replaced 2 times is the vermiculite above the baffles, The stainless steel and the steel inners of the fire corrode excessively quick thus falling apart. The Burley has been used less than the tiger and also been in the property for 2 years whilst the tiger has been in the property for 7 years without issue other than 1 fire brick being replaced.The Burley whilst being a lot more expensive to buy is very much an inferior product, I will be replacing this fire and due to my experiences with this Burley product, I will not entertain another Burley fire or product.The fire is expensive to operate due to constant replacement parts required.

    Stove expert replied: What a shame you have found this a disappointing stove, they do vary greatly and other reviewers have has better experiences.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • 12 months on

    James Wheeler 6 years ago

    Hi all, We reviewed the Burley Hollywell soon-ish after it arrived and I thought an update might be useful to people doing the tough ''what the hell do I get? quest. So the Burley has proven
    to be an awesome choice. It''s been reliable, burns really efficiently and it has fulfilled all the requirements we set out to get.Which were:1) Large viewing window - I know people don''t always want one of these but I''m of the view that its a fire, it needs to be seen. The window does cake up with the soot easily and the self clean function isn''t really workable unless you burn a log on high heat right by the window to clean all the junk off. The bottom line is that you''ll need to give it a good going over if you want it pristine but in reality as long as the centre is clear its acceptable. 2) Size: This one is a good couple of feet high and it stands really nicely in the area. It''s definitely been a great option for size and height. 3) Seems to be well built. The handles haven''t broken and the wooden bits don''t get hot at all. In fact I''ve found that you can easily manage the wood burning inside by hand because the heat and flame is consistent and predictable on the wood. i.e. you know where its going to be hot and it is and you know where its going to be cooler and it is. 4) Efficient: This is a wood burner only so can''t speak for coal or dual. It will still burns through 10 lumps of wood in a day very easily but the amazing thing is that there is almost nothing left to clear up. You could burn for weeks everyday all day and have very little waste in the bottom of the burner. 5) Price: We paid £600 odd for it. Why go to anything else? Why pay more when this can do everything you could ever want? Its steel but that is handy if you want it to heat quickly and cool quickly. Only get cast iron if you want it to heat slowly and stay hotter for longer. 6) It''s a party piece as well as a burner: It works with the door open just as well as with it shut. It''s a great open fire if you like to see the flames in action (much less efficient though, but nice). 7) The inferno thing isn''t the easiest to get right. It takes a few logs to build core temperature and then you can change the air flow to get it to swirl around. We often don''t worry about it. If it happens it happens. For the money, pound for actual pound this has got to be the winner. It''s big, decent, efficient, well made and its the sort of burner that if Burley were more well known would be well over a grand. If your''e in the marker for a wood burner and not sure which one to pick check out the Burley range and check out the Hollywell and don''t buy cast iron unless you really want it or anything much over £1000 either. (Or for that matter any thing under £500)

    Stove expert replied: Detailed comments on how this stove works, very informative.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Fireball Heaven

    Leonard Anderson 6 years ago

    This is the first wood burning stove I have had after reading months of reviews. All my friends have wood burning stoves. None are as efficient as this one or give such a dazzling display. Had
    it over three years now and it''s hardly been off ! Even in the summer I have to see the flame even for an hour. The dogs love it. So good, three of our relatives now have this model. They buy kiln dried wood. I burn foraged and wood collected and dried from the sea. Honestly you cannot go wrong with this model. Build a small wigwam of kindling and once it''s caught get a log or two on. Glad I did the research. You can check for yourself on the reviews. Enjoy

    Stove expert replied: Burning driftwood is not recommended due to dioxins being created in the flue gases when wood is burned in the presence of chlorides. Dioxin is termed as a persistent, bioaccumulating toxin meaning it doesn't decompose, it builds up in tissues of organisms that ingest it. It is recommended that this is no longer used as a fuel in your stove.

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Hollywell 9105 functioning and purchasing spare parts

    Jim Mclaughlan 6 years ago

    Hollywell 9105 is the one to avoid, poor heating, eats kiln dried wood with about 80% of the heat going up the flue. Spare parts a complete rip off. You would be better burning your money than
    buy the Burley Hollywell 9105

    Stove expert replied: If the heat is going up the flue then a damper may be required as the flue draw is excessive, this should be checked to prevent damage to the stove, an installation issue and not a problem with the stove.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Perfect stove choice

    JA Redler 7 years ago

    Phenomenal value for money, of all we considered this was the lowest cost but extremely pleased with the stove. It''s a wood burner only, but does this very efficiently - the manufacturer claims
    89%, not sure how to verify but it certainly leaves very little ash for how much wood goes in! It looks the part too, big viewing window and not fussy or ornate in design. Controlling the flames is really easy and the ''fireball'' effect is impressive. The wood handles are a nice touch. The minor niggle is that the air wash hasn''t been effective all the time for us, but cleaning the glass is easy and quick, all the positives far outweigh this. Overall a brilliant stove and extremely satisfied.

    Stove expert replied: Great comments.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Burley hollywell final update

    Daniel Sutcliffe 7 years ago

    This stove is not all its cracked up to be in the 6 or so months I''ve had it I have had nothing but problems. I have replaced the glass twice the stainless baffle twice and now the piece of
    angle iron at the front of the stove that holds the stainless steel baffle in place is in need of repair so in terms of reliability so far I am not impressed, how can burley claim its the world''s most efficient wood burner when it costs a small fortune to replace the parts so any money you save on fuel just goes straight out of the window when it comes to buying spares, so far this heating season this stove has cost more in spare parts than my last stove did in Severn years so I might as well have put the central heating on. This stove is supposed to be defra approved but I don''t see how because no matter what settings you have the air control on or how dry your fuel is it smokes like hell out the top where as my last stove which was only a cheap thing from China you could get that to burn smokeless with just a heat haze coming out of the top so from my experience I don''t rate burleys fire ball technology it does not work and this was evident when I swept the flue last week, with my last stove all you got out of the flue liner was a light brown powder but with the Burley it was lumps of black crunchy creosote so that tells me that the combustion is incomplete and before the stove expert says that''s due to wet wood I can tell you that it isn''t all my wood is at about 10%or less moisture content and it''s good quality hardwood and no softwood so in the spring this thing is going to be ripped out and chucked in the shed and will be replacing it with a solution 9 from arada or a vision 500 from clearview because call me old fashioned but I actually want a stove that will not fall to pieces.

    Stove expert replied: A very disappointing review and concerning that the deposits being left in the flue are so great that they are forming lumps. This does require further investigation from a qualified engineer who can look at the overall installation and operating procedure more thoroughly.. Parts should not be failing so readily .

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

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