
Aarrow i-Series ISC-5F

Overall Rating:

3 flames

based on 5 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Aarrow i-Series ISC-5F
Technical Data
  • Height: 450mm
  • Width: 405mm
  • Depth: 351mm
  • Flue Diameter: 125mm
  • Fuel: Multifuel
  • Nominal Heat Output: 5kW

Add your review of this stove

Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 3.5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 2 flames
Ease of use 3 flames
Ease of lighting 3 flames
Firebox size 2.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 2.5 flames
Controllability 3 flames
Handle operation 3.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 1.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 1.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Nice little stove

    7 years ago

    We have had this stove installed for a while, it is about to start a third winter, and we are really pleased with the performance. Even while the glass gets hot, the handle is not. It''s easy
    to clean and gives out more than enough heat for our living room and the hall and stairs - we have to leave the door open or the room gets really hot!

    Stove expert replied: Good review

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

Most Popular Review

  • no heat

    Quirk 11 years ago

    We have had this lovely looking stove for 12 months now and have still not managed to get any heat from it, we are even able to touch the front without burning ourselves when it has been lit
    all evening. What are we doing wrong. it was fitted by a chimney/flue specialist company (but not stove company). could they have got it wrong I wonder. it looks so attractive but just does not work for us

    Stove expert replied: If the stove has been installed without any infill to the back and sides then the heat generated will be lost here, this should be checked as per the installation manual page 10.

    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames

More reviews for Aarrow i-Series ISC-5F

  • Very dissappointed

    8 years ago

    I had this i stove installed in October 2015 and despite having the manufacturer out they have still been able to resolve. The heat out put is less than the 2kw gas fire that was removed. The
    installer is registered and has been back several times, the stove flue is lined and back filled and a flue damper added as recommended in the first instance by the manufacturer. I have no issue with the shop and installer they have been excellent but the manufacturer just quotes lab testing but admit the heat is low as not the 6kw quoted. The air intake levers are also difficult to use and to see, I have to open the door to operate them. I have an Eco burn stove in another room which is great so I bought this one with confidence as it was from the same manufacturer. I have given up now and my retailer is replacing it free of charge for a different model.

    Stove expert replied: This stove model was used when this range was first brought out and hasn’t been used for circa 4 years since becoming i400s/i400/i400t . The stove is a convection stove so will perform differently to the Ecoburn which gives radiant heat only. The stove is now rated at 4.9kw nominal output which comes from the CE test results which follows a set of BS test regulations, it has to be done on a 6” liner at the optimum flue height of 4.5m running at 12pa. If this is not supplied in this installation then the output may vary and the flue may be affected by weather conditions which will impact on the output accordingly. As you have another working flue in the property this can also affect how a stove performs in this flue system and should be checked as replacing it may not give you the results that you may expect.

    Overall rating:

    2 flames

  • i 400s little heat

    William Davidson 8 years ago

    I wish I had read the other review of this fire before having one fitted. Very disappointed with the heat output. A 2 kW oil filled radiator does a much better job.
    Overall rating:

    3 flames

  • i400s very poor heat

    Gareth Owen 10 years ago

    Had the above stove installed by a very competent HETAS installer. Gives out almost no heat, despite fitting the Aarrow after market!!!! Internal flue damper. Also fitted a draft stabilising
    cowl, again no improvement. So disappointed I am going to remove it and fit a free standing stove.

    Stove expert replied: No Hetas installation has been recorded at this address and no contact has been made with the manufacturer.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames