
Stovax Huntington 40 stove

Overall Rating:

3.5 flames

based on 14 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Stovax Huntington 40  stove

The Stovax Huntington 40 stove is available as a woodburning or multi fuel stove.

The multi fuel version has got an external riddling grate.

The Huntington glass door is available with clear glass or tracery door.

The stove is available in enamel finish - matt black, blue or green.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 3.5 flames
Ease of use 4 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 3.5 flames
Controllability 4 flames
Handle operation 3.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 3.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 3.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Huntingdon 40 - NEVER AGAIN

    Lucy Townley 7 years ago

    Since installation in 2002 I get it regularly serviced, I have had to replace:- 1 x Top Plate circa £450 because they have to de-install it first, 5 x pieces of glass for the door, 6 rear
    fire bricks, 2 x rear flue blanking plates - (fell to bits). The biggest problem is removing and replacing the top fire bricks for the chimney sweep to clean properly - almost impossible and requires trained engineer not chimney sweep - I think this is why so many top plates crack. It is implied that I am burning too hot but I use a flue thermometer and I do not believe this is the case.

    Stove expert replied: If the initial stove flue pipe had a door in it then the baffle plate would not need to be removed for sweeping purposes and may lengthen its life. Any debris should be able to be removed through the flue pipe door. Perhaps this could be added into the system and ideally should have formed part of the initial installation process.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • My experience is not a good one

    Robert White 13 years ago

    I am afraid my experience of this stove is not a good one. After seven winter's use it now has a crack running right across the top plate and smaller cracks front to back. Also the glass is
    now cracked. To be fair, Stovax have offered me a brand new stove (arrange installation myself) at a very low price but I am not interested. There is no way that this stove has saved me any money, even though I get most of my wood for free. Every year there was always money to spend. The first year the clean burn tube needed replacing. Apparently I had operated the stove too hot. Also, most of the firebricks were cracked. Stovax sent replacements for all of these free of charge but I had to arrange fitting myself. The tube is supposed to keep the glass clean. It has no effect that I can see. The glass is always dirty. The next year we noticed the stove not working properly at all. The 6" blanking plate on the back of the stove had fallen off due to a cracked bar that holds it in place, leaving a 6" hole in the back of the stove. Every year at least two firebricks are cracked and should be replaced. Removing the firebricks - WHAT A PAIN - you are supposed to use your left hand to raise the left-hand half of the top two firebricks, then with the right hand lift and lower away from you and remove the right-hand brick. Each firebrick feels like it weighs a ton and I haven't got three hands! I have had to show four different sweeps how to do this because they have not seen this stove before. All have agreed with me what a bad design it is and I have ended up removing and replacing the bricks for them. How could my wife cope with this stove if she was on her own? This summer the stove is, hopefully, being replaced with a Clearview Vision 500 which is steel, not cast (will not crack) and the firebricks are Vermiculite and very light.

    Stove expert replied: If you are operating a stove at too high a temperature damage will be caused to either cast iron or steel stoves, perhaps get a flue thermostat to insure that the operating temperature is within recommended limit. Vermiculite liners will require replacing and can also crack during use so again maintenance will be required on a regular basis.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

More reviews for Stovax Huntington 40 stove (page 1 of 2)

  • Would not reccomend this one

    Peter Clay 8 years ago

    I have the multifuel version. The main problem is to run it slowly. I never use phurnacite or coal for fear of overheating. I even worry with small dry wood. The riddle mechanism always clogs
    up. The glass never stays clean. The handle on the door has broken twice. Not recommended!

    Stove expert replied: The glass will not stay clean if you are closing down the air wash control. If the stove is always busy and will not shut down do have a flue draw test done to see if a damper or flue stabilizer is required.

    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames

  • Honest rating

    Bernard Walsh 10 years ago

    Top casting plate where the flue pipe exits the top of the stove of the Multi-fuel Huntingdon 40 is weak and poorly cast.I have replaced 2 tops and now require the part replaced again at 246
    pounds sterling.Replacement parts are very expensive.The glass, 3 firebrick inserts and top will cost the price of a new stove in Ireland.Googled prices 882.52 or 1115.00 euros

    Stove expert replied: Spares are expensive compared to the original stove price if several are required as in normal circumstances replacement parts are not required often. Have you a stove thermometer as this may well help to insure that you are using the stove at the optimum temperature so that longevity of the product can be achieved?

    Overall rating:

    3 flames

  • Superb Stove - we are buying a 2nd!

    Luke Browes 11 years ago

    This was for our Living room ( 4meter x 8meters ) and is currently our only heating in the entire house.We bought the wood burner not the multi fuel as my wife did not like the look of the ash
    tray.We only burn hardwood and the stove has been superb, I used one fire lighter and some small logs to start it and that was fine. It has now been installed in our house for 8 weeks and it we have let it go out 5 times so we can de ash it. This burner is amazing, I load it up with a large log at 10.30pm and turn the setting down, the next morning at 7am it is always still going so I load it up again and goto work, return home at 5.30 - 6.00pm and it is still going! My only moan is that the handle has come lose, I have tightened the allan key grub screw up which has sorted it out but it will need tightening once month.We are going to buy another for the Dinning room at the other end of the house and use it to heat the entire house! - No gas or oil for us!

    Stove expert replied: Nice feedback, small niggle with handle but easily remidied.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Clumbersome stove

    Tristan Fry 11 years ago

    We don't like it. It was in the house we recently bought so it isn't our choice of woodburner. It's ugly for starters. As far as using the thing goes, the door handle is awkward and the screw
    never stays tight enough to stop the handle going all wobbly. The log guard doesn't sit tight. The airwash isn't all that great either. I just replaced the rear fire brick and the two baffles, they are heavy and the baffles are a two person job to refit. In our last house we bought, fitted and agreed to leave in situ a Yeoman Exe.... Bloody fantastic little stove, totally opposite to this. All I will say in favour of the Stovax Huntingdon 40 is that it does seem to get the heat around the house without being overly hot in the room it is installed in. As soon as we can afford to replace it though, we will. It doesn't fall in favour with us at all!
    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Best Stove on Market

    Barry Scannell 12 years ago

    My experience of the Huntington 40 has been nothing but positive. We had it now for over 10 years and I can say that it is the best stove on the market. It heats a very large area in our house
    and what impresses me is that it stays lit for very long periods without having to reload the firebox. We made a bad decision a number of years ago when we installed a second stove in our house in our sitting room and went with the advise of someone else when we put in a Charnwood Island 1. We regret not putting in another Huntington!!. There is no comparison. We are constantly feeding the Charnwood!!

    Stove expert replied: It may not be the stove that is the problem in the sitting room it might be the flue system!

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Great stove

    M Allum 12 years ago

    We have had this stove with a back boiler for 3 years now and the only parts that need replacing is the back fire brick which has now been in 2 parts for the last year.It’s a shame that the
    glass is nearly always black which is due probably to us running at too little temperature at night and the boiler taking the heat away. The boiler makes lots of good hot water with plenty of heat leftover for the room.Sweeping is a pain! Mainly due to the stove pipe not having a rodding eye (installer’s fault) getting a brush around the bottom bend is very difficult and I always end up with damaged hands.The stove is excellent to keep in at night, indeed we have been away for over 24 hours and there is still life in the fire.

    Stove expert replied: Do please note that operating the stove on a low temperature for long periods is not only bad for the glass but for the flue system. Short periods of fast burn are recommended at least twice a day for 15 mins to clear any debris produced when stove closed down.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Would not buy another one

    Chris 12 years ago

    Have had one of these for 5 years and now having to renew some internal bricks for the second time they are not cheap! So running costs are high, I know your going to say I'm running it too
    hot but have a flue thermometer close to the stove and never run it too hot. I do however run it 24hrs a day over the winter and would expect them to last longer. The other gripe was that the log retainer is not that sturdy, even the fitting engineer agreed and got me another which had the same problem it also distorted a bit after time we ended up wedging it in backwards which for such an expensive stove is not satisfactory. Apart from these two problems it seems a very good woodburner, am now looking for a second woodburner but will not buy one of these again. I wish I'd found this site earlier, looking at the smaller Aga ludlow, no internal bricks not sure how much of a disadvantage that is?

    Stove expert replied: Two sets of bricks in 5 years is not excessive when used as described. They are a consumable item! The bricks are there to protect the metal of the stove and most stoves do have them in.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • satisfied stove shop owner

    Tom Ballinger 13 years ago

    I own a fireplace shop and decided to install the Stovax Huntingdon 40 (Matt Ivory) into my old stone cottage where the only source of heating is electric night storage heating. Luckily the
    fireplace is in the middle of the house with stairs leading off of the living room and the downstairs is all open plan. I have not had to turn on the heating yet and the stove has run throughout the winter season. I choose this stove mainly on output and appearance. I have nothing but good things to say about this stove, the quality is second to none and you certainly get what you pay for. The air wash is great, flame pattern and viewing superb. I have managed to keep this stove in for 14 hours using smokeless coal and 9 hours with logs. Obviously with the stove slumbering overnight the glass blackens but this is quickly cleaned when the air is re-opened in the morning.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

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