Heta Inspire 40 stove
The Inspire 40 stove is a multi fuel stove with an nominal heat output of 4.5 kW. The stove is highly efficient at 81% and is also approved for smoke control areas.
- Height: 585mm
- Width: 460mm
- Depth: 367mm
- Flue Diameter: 125mm
- Fuel: Multi fuel
- Nominal Heat Output: 4.5kW
- Efficiency: 81%
Most Recent Review
Glass has cracked !!
We had our Inspire 40 installed in March when we moved into our house used up to April/May.Have started to use it again in October and noticed lots of tiny marks on the glass we burn mostlyStove expert replied: Household coal is not recommended on a closed appliance. Most smokeless fuels that end in ite are suitable eg: phurnacite, anthracite, maxibrite, taybrite. If the marks are like a spiders webb, that creep across the glass then this is due to the stove not be used correctly.Iit is being left to slumber for pro-longed periods and the flue gases are staying in the firebox for longer than normal, setting up a chemical reaction with the glass surface. It will not clean off, and has not affected to integrity of the glass. Short periods of fast burn are recommended, at least twice a day if continuous burning is taking place, these should last between 15-20 mins max.
Most Popular Review
Great stove, but goes through fuel like a crazy... stove
HiI've had a few stoves in the past in previous properties and installed this one just over a week ago in my home. The stove looks great on the green tiled hearth I made for it . We were worried
More reviews for Heta Inspire 40 stove
I love this stove
I have owned and used this stove for 2 years - super quick to light and super fast to heat up !With the addition of smokeless fuel it burns for 8 hours through the night !Actually thinking -
Heta stove
Some reviews are positive and some not, you have to decide when buying something who shouts loudest, when I purchased mine I listened to all the singing, However I have to say that tonight itStove expert replied: As with most things peoples experiences will differ and this is a case in point!. If the stove was working hard but not producing heat the likely cause is an over-drawing flue that is sucking the heated air up the chimney before it has time to heat the stove and radiate into the surrounding space. You do not give much in the way of detail except the length of time it took to produce heat. What fuel were you using? Was it dry and well seasoned with a moisture content of less than 20%. It may well not be the stove at fault, it is certainly worth investigating this further.
Great stove
Now that the cold weather has returned, I am once again using my Heta Aspire 40. I can thoroughly recommend this stove to anybody considering which unit to buy. The stove is quick to light andStove expert replied: Nice comments
The stove is good. And gives out great amounts of heat. Instructions are poor. No reference to cleaning out the stove after use. No mention of riddling with the control lever provided . -
Excellent Stove - makes cold winter nights enjoyable
We had our Heta Inspire 40 installed two years ago when we bought our house. We had it professionally fitted making use of a disused fireplace and chimney, the house was built in 1929 when fireplaces -
Not what I expected !
Had this fire installed as restricted space. Pleased with look of fire and great when burning wood but had hoped it was multi fuel and wanted to burn anthracite. I have tried with not much successStove expert replied: Perhaps try an alternative smokeless fuel as anthracite may not suit this stove, do leave the bottom air controls open and have a clear ashpan so that air can pass through the grate and fuel. Different fuels do burn at different rates so if you try a few you may find a more suitable product.
Fantastic stove
I can't recommend this stove enough. I've had it installed for a few weeks now and it's fabulous. I installed it myself and I was able to find little in the way of instruction for doing so.Stove expert replied: Running a stove on max should not exceed periods of 20 - 30mins at any one time, they do need to work but not flat out for prolonged periods. Ideally short periods of fast burn should be undertaken with a slumbering period in between. Wood that is picked from hedgerows should still be dried and used only when the moisture content is less that 20%. Finally as this is a self installation, do get it signed off by your local Building Control Office, this is important when a Hetas Engineer has not been used.