
Firebelly FB2 stove

Overall Rating:

3.5 flames

based on 28 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Firebelly FB2 stove

The Firebelly FB2 is the biggest of the 3 Firebelly stoves.

It is a plain contemporary stove with 1 big glass door.

You can place the Firebely stoves on a 12m thick hearth.

There is a multi fuel kit available for these stoves and they are also available as double sided stoves -

You can place the Firebelly FB2 stove on a log box to increase the height.

They are available in a big range of colours.

Technical Data
  • Height: 605mm
  • Width: 640mm
  • Depth: 422mm
  • Flue Diameter: 150mm
  • Fuel: Wood
  • Nominal Heat Output: 8kW
  • Efficiency: 78%

Add your review of this stove

Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 3 flames
Ease of use 4 flames
Ease of lighting 4 flames
Firebox size 4.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 3.5 flames
Controllability 3.5 flames
Handle operation 4 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 3.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • FB2

    Ben Allenby 3 years ago

    I bought an secondhand FB2 off eBay and spruced it up. The thing has come up like new. When I came to fit it, being a modern design it has an internal collar, and also has a knock out section
    pressed into it. I couldn''t figure out the best way to install it and couldn''t find a fitters manual online. I chanced emailing the firebelly website asking for information on what to do and an manual for it. Thinking I would be directed to an approved fitter or charged for the manual as I was not the original owner. Well blow me down, Hayley replied an hour later at 7.30pm on a Saturday night explaining in detail that I had bought an older model, how to fit and what to do with the knockout pressed into the back. Seriously impressed. Love the stove and even being a lowly 2nd hand buyer with no incentive for firebelly to help, I am a seriously impressed customer. You have won future business from me as I want a doublesided burner in our next house and your (not even your!) customer service is amazing. Thanks
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Firebelly FB2 Stove

    John Thomspon 16 years ago

    We purchased this stove over a year ago after speaking with there technical team in depth about our new property. We were delighted with the level of customer service that we recieved. It was
    well above our expectations. We have now had the unit for a year or so and we are very pleased with the unit. The FB2 is very hot and heats our whole house. I would be happy to recommend Firebelly to anybody looking to purchase a new stove
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Firebelly FB2 stove (page 1 of 3)

  • Superb Stove

    Lara Pearson 7 years ago

    Fantastic heat output. They look stunning and the range of colours were almost too great to choose from. We have two of these stoves (one in each of our sitting rooms). They are beautiful
    focal points when not lit and mesmerizing to watch when they are. We also bought the log box which sits beneath our stoves, which we feel sets them off a treat.

    Stove expert replied: Lovely comments.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Superb!

    8 years ago

    We bought ours as a focal point for our new self build house. We absolutely love it and have had no problems whatsoever. If you're looking for a stove with a big heat output then buy one of

    Stove expert replied: Praise indeed!

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Superb woodburner

    8 years ago

    Buy one, you won't regret it, just make sure you have a professional installer for the flue
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • coating

    Sue Allister 9 years ago

    Our FB2 works well on the whole but like many reviewers we have a problem with smoke. However, nobody mentions how the coating just peels away and it is NOT damp. I did buy it partly because
    I thought it looked good.The manufacturers told me that I could purchase a touch up spray but will it look as good as new? So glad now I didn't buy a brightly coloured one!
    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • FB2 in the high Southern Alps, France

    Mark Thomas 10 years ago

    We chose this wood burner because of the modern styling and excellent attitude of the company. It is installed in a large, open-plan lounge/kitchen/diner with open mezzanine to the landing from
    which all the bedrooms lead from ie a large space. It copes easily with heating all this area with heat also spreading to other adjacent rooms. To give you an example of how efficient it is, the first use it had was in February a couple of years ago and on arriving the temperature outside was -20c! The temperature inside was similar so the first thing was to light the Firebelly. I reckon that within half an hour the temperature in the chalet was comfortable and teenage daughters had shed at least 3 of their 14 layers! The next day we had to open the windows as we were too warm and needed to learn how to use the blast furnace properly.With regard to some of the other comments, if we open the door slowly, no smoke enters the building but we do have about 5m of straight flue before a bend then through the roof, there is enough draw to pull your boots off if you set it that way!With regard to the economy of wood consumption, we have a Jotul wood burner at home and I reckon it uses approximately 10 times the wood that this Firebelly does and produces less heat - work that one out.Customer service brilliant 10/10.

    Stove expert replied: Great review and sounds very cosy in the chalet!

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Poor just very poor.

    Garry 12 years ago

    We have a FB2 double sided log burner. From first install we have had problems with smoke in the room as soon as you open the door to add more fuel. The retailer (basingstoke fireplace centre
    )and the factory were dismissive and we have had to live with it. Now the door has dropped too and I am seriously regretting buying this stove, it's 3 years old. Best thing is the large amount of glass for seeing the fire but we have never been able to run it so as both glass doors are clear. I would strongly urge people to avoid this product and this retailer.

    Stove expert replied: If smoke only casues a problem when you open the door to refuel it may be a flue problem and not a stove problem. Doors can normally be adjusted and quite often seat with time which is quite normal. If your flue draw is poor then the glass will not stay clean as not enough air is being drawn into the fire chamber to allow combustion to occur efficiently, have you an air brick in the room?

    Overall rating:

    2 flames

  • Great Log Burner

    Carl 12 years ago

    I've had the FB2 double-sided stove for two years now and am a big fan.Sure there are niggles but on the whole the stove is easy to use and produces sufficient heat for the room it is installed
    in (A sun lounge with floor to ceiling glass on two sides).I checked my energy bills and was delighted to see that during the cold months 2011/2012 my gas bill (For heating) was down by 10%. So as well as adding to the ambience I am also saving some money.

    Stove expert replied: Great savings on the fuel bill!!

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Not So Great and Awful as a Multifuel

    David 13 years ago

    I've had an FB2 for 3 years and it was installed with a stainless external flue by HETAS engineers and Firebelly resellers.As a log burner, it's ok, but that's about all. Put enough logs in
    and it will blaze away happily. The "airwash" system works occasionally, but if the logs are damp, the glass blackens quickly.Last year I bought the multifuel kit and a few bags of coal.I've used that twice. Why? Because it just doesn't work.This evening I tried again and despite numerous fire lighters, kindling etc., the coal wouldn't light. In the end in desperation, I tried a propane torch and almost an entire gas cannister later and still the coals go out, even with the door wide open.This is a huge disappointment and a very expensive one - the flue cost as much as the fire and the draw seems adequate enough, but looking through the previous comments, I'm sure somebody will say it's not.I'd say that it was a good couple of grand gone up in smoke. If only...

    Stove expert replied: have you contacted the supplier, installer, or Firebelly to try to rectify the problems? That is probably a good starting point. Perhaps get them to test the flue draw and see how good it is as a starting point.

    Overall rating:

    2 flames

  • Firebelly FB2

    Richard 13 years ago

    I have had my Firebelly FB2 stove a little over a year now and it’s installed in my holiday home 700m up in the Austrian mountains. I chose a FB2 because I wanted a stove that would produce
    a lot of heat quickly as the house is surrounded by snow for up to five months of the year and can be freezing to walk into after a two or three week absence.The stove is connected to a straight insulated double skinned chimney of approx. 6m in length and I find it easy enough to light using firelighters and dry sticks, but it will produce a lot of smoke and blacken the glass until the fire has produced enough heat to induce a draught up the chimney. The air-wash system will then clean the glass of soot and the stove will produce a lot of heat as it is rated at 12kw. It is this figure that you should bear in mind when choosing one of these stoves as that is a lot of heat to put into a room and although the burn rate is controllable the minimum output achievable while still keeping the glass clean and the chimney draught working I would guess to be about 6kw.This also accounts for the lack of overnight burn as the amount of wood required to keep the stove burning at this rate overnight is more the firebox can hold.I rate the construction of the stove as good (3.5-4 out of 5) with a few niggles such as the lower air control, I found that I have to spray it with WD40 (when the fire is out) to keep it moving freely, and the stove must be installed on a flat surface for the door to open freely, uneven bricks/tiles will not do. The stove also has a tendency to drop ash out of the door when you open it. Overall I am pleased with the stove, it looks good and produces a lot of heat (by burning a lot of wood which must be dry) but please bear in mind that it will be produce too much heat for a lot of rooms unless it is fitted with a boiler to distribute the heat around the house via radiators.
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

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