Firebelly FB2 stove

The Firebelly FB2 is the biggest of the 3 Firebelly stoves.
It is a plain contemporary stove with 1 big glass door.
You can place the Firebely stoves on a 12m thick hearth.
There is a multi fuel kit available for these stoves and they are also available as double sided stoves -
You can place the Firebelly FB2 stove on a log box to increase the height.
They are available in a big range of colours.
- Height: 605mm
- Width: 640mm
- Depth: 422mm
- Flue Diameter: 150mm
- Fuel: Wood
- Nominal Heat Output: 8kW
- Efficiency: 78%
Most Recent Review
I bought an secondhand FB2 off eBay and spruced it up. The thing has come up like new. When I came to fit it, being a modern design it has an internal collar, and also has a knock out section
Most Popular Review
Firebelly FB2 Stove
We purchased this stove over a year ago after speaking with there technical team in depth about our new property. We were delighted with the level of customer service that we recieved. It was
More reviews for Firebelly FB2 stove (page 1 of 3)
Superb Stove
Fantastic heat output. They look stunning and the range of colours were almost too great to choose from. We have two of these stoves (one in each of our sitting rooms). They are beautifulStove expert replied: Lovely comments.
We bought ours as a focal point for our new self build house. We absolutely love it and have had no problems whatsoever. If you're looking for a stove with a big heat output then buy one ofStove expert replied: Praise indeed!
Superb woodburner
Buy one, you won't regret it, just make sure you have a professional installer for the flue -
Our FB2 works well on the whole but like many reviewers we have a problem with smoke. However, nobody mentions how the coating just peels away and it is NOT damp. I did buy it partly because -
FB2 in the high Southern Alps, France
We chose this wood burner because of the modern styling and excellent attitude of the company. It is installed in a large, open-plan lounge/kitchen/diner with open mezzanine to the landing fromStove expert replied: Great review and sounds very cosy in the chalet!
Poor just very poor.
We have a FB2 double sided log burner. From first install we have had problems with smoke in the room as soon as you open the door to add more fuel. The retailer (basingstoke fireplace centreStove expert replied: If smoke only casues a problem when you open the door to refuel it may be a flue problem and not a stove problem. Doors can normally be adjusted and quite often seat with time which is quite normal. If your flue draw is poor then the glass will not stay clean as not enough air is being drawn into the fire chamber to allow combustion to occur efficiently, have you an air brick in the room?
Great Log Burner
I've had the FB2 double-sided stove for two years now and am a big fan.Sure there are niggles but on the whole the stove is easy to use and produces sufficient heat for the room it is installedStove expert replied: Great savings on the fuel bill!!
Not So Great and Awful as a Multifuel
I've had an FB2 for 3 years and it was installed with a stainless external flue by HETAS engineers and Firebelly resellers.As a log burner, it's ok, but that's about all. Put enough logs inStove expert replied: have you contacted the supplier, installer, or Firebelly to try to rectify the problems? That is probably a good starting point. Perhaps get them to test the flue draw and see how good it is as a starting point.
Firebelly FB2
I have had my Firebelly FB2 stove a little over a year now and it’s installed in my holiday home 700m up in the Austrian mountains. I chose a FB2 because I wanted a stove that would produce