
Yeoman Country stove

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 5 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Yeoman Country stove

The Yeoman Country stove is the biggest of the Yoeman traditional stoves.

This stove is available as a wood or multi fuel model -

there is an optional clip in or bulit in builer available.

You can have a low or high canopy & 1 or 2 doors on this model.

The measurememnts given are for the flat top model -

dimensions will be different for the canopy models.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4 flames
Quality of finish 4.5 flames
Value for money 4 flames
Ease of use 3.5 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 3.5 flames
Controllability 3.5 flames
Handle operation 4 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 3 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Not as good as I had hoped for

    8 years ago

    Our Yeoman County heats a 4 bed house / rads / DH Water. Looks well and has quite a good heat output. It was supplied with a "thermostat kit". This was accompanied with a supplementary installation
    leaflet stating that it is for " Stovax Yeoman and Kensal Boilers". This is a dreadful ultra cheap afterthought. It totally lowers the quality of the stove. It is difficult to operate and you end up not using it whatsoever, lowering the efficiency of the stove. The manufacturers should re-think this afterthought. Avoid riddling the grate. The main shaft simply runs through the mild steel plate side of the stove ( no wear sleeve ) and elongates the hole. You should avoid using this too. Overall I'm disappointed.
    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • phwar toasty

    Emelda Brooks 11 years ago

    We live in a C17 hundred 3 bed detatched cottage, anyone who has spent time in an old house will tell you they generally leak heat through single glazing and have draughts everywhere- ours is
    no exception. Its cold from September to April. We were recommended the Country 60 by a plumber friend who said he had put in several and had always recieved good comments. This stove along with a Gledhill Torrent hot water tank and new centeral heating has transformed our home! Everywhere is hot. 25 degrees if needed. It's amazing. We also have a Villager Esprit 5 snd we use exactly the same amount of wood. Can honestly say its not really needed. It even gets to the point when we're happy to let the fire smoulder down because its too hot. Overnight burn was something I was concerned about. After seeing previous reviews, I asked the plumber to put in a dampener, which I think helps but the overnight burn isn't great. There are still embers and its easy enough to light without using matches but there are no real clumps of wood left over. However it's not a problem because the house is still warm from the previous night. 22 degrees will do me fine! This stove really has made a big difference, it sounds silly but before I would leave the house for short periods of time so that I could get back to stock up the Villager again before it got too cold but now I'm happy to leave for the day and know I'll get back to a warm home. Magic.

    Stove expert replied: How to transform a house to a home!!

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

More reviews for Yeoman Country stove

  • The beast

    John Robinson 10 years ago

    I live in an old farm house built in the early seventeen hundreds and as you can imagine trying to keep the place warm with so many draughts is quite a challenge. I had an open fire in the main
    room with a stovax 5kw in the children's playroom, whilst this was sufficient for the playroom and with the room door open the heat would seep out into other areas of the house but not to great effect. Whilst the open fire was nice to look it it was ineffective at producing enough heat to keep the place warm. After many hours reading reviews we finally settled for the Yeoman Country 13kw, this was fitted in early December and what an investment!!! The stove looks great, easy to light and control and the heat generating aspects are unbelievable. It took a coule of days to get the hang of the controls we now light the stove high output for a short period of time until the thermostat indicates its at the best burn level and from then it's simply a case of reducing the top opening and sliding both bottom openings to approximately one inch from the fully closed position and hey ho the stove ticks over at the right temprature to sustain sufficient heat to warm the main room with enough heat drifting through the rest of the house to make it very comfortable indeed. If more heat is required the ability to open the vents gives the immediate response of incrased heat output to a very controllable level then ease down when required. From a cleaning perspective the stovax requires cleaning daily due to build up on the glass however the Yeoman on the other hand requires only a simple wipe over the glass then you are ready to ignite once again.Overall very pleased with this magnificent stove I can not rate it highly enough.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • stovax stove

    Bailey 12 years ago

    We bought a Yeoman County 6hb, as we were pleased with previous Yeoman stove, the quality is not the same though. We had to have different baffles fitted to try to overcome smoke billowing out
    when opening the doors. The baffles wouldn't come out without using a hammer, disc cutter etc,and we have been upset by the lack of customer service. We would not recommend these stoves.
    Overall rating:

    3 flames

  • Yeoman county

    Clive 14 years ago

    This is my 3rd winter using the Yeoman county 40.000btu integral boiler stove. Having just had our worst / coldest winter for 18 years this has proved to be one of my best investments. As i
    am now relying on this wood burner for all my winter heating needs i must say i am more than happy. You do need to have a good fire going to get the rads and hot water up to temperature which isn't a problem as this fire will take 18ins logs. Although the main living area can get a bit warm at this level.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames