We have had the 16kW version installed, with a 42000 btu backboiler connected to the central heating via a dunsley-baker neutraliser. It is a very powerful burner, with the boiler coming up
to heat quickly and giving lots of heat. Even with that system, plenty of heat still comes into the large living room where the burner sits. Make sure you are going to be able to use all this heat before you install something of this size.
The door is opened using a small handle supplied with a loose spanner-type attachment to stop you burning yourself. This seems a bit vulnerable to getting lost.
As with any airwash it is not perfect, and soot builds up on the glass over time. Rather than cleaning with water and chemicals, we use a stanley blade on a handle similar to one you use to clean glass-topped halogen electric hobs, and this peels it off pretty quick without scratching.
We have not done overnight burning, so my rating for that reflects my ignorance rather than any lack of performance.
Stove expert replied:
Always check that boiler stoves meet the requirements, if you have one too big the tendency is to run it slowly which is not good for a any stove. Short periods of fast burn twice a day for 15 - 20 mins (no more) is recommended to keep the glass and flue way clear of debris.
We are completely satisfied with our stove, our lives are changed radically and our house has the most wonderful warmth that is all over rather than just coming from being near a radiator, which
now seems an archaic and inefficient form of heating. We haven't had the central heating on ONCE this winter, our house is reasonably small and we insulated well, but what an incredible difference. We have a flat top version and keep a pot of water on the go used for washing up, or the occasional stew. The glass keeps itself clean,if it gets smoked it clears quickly when we burn the stove hot. and we seldom have to clean out the ash, It stays in overnight or thru the day if we stoke up and shut down, Just open her up when we want and away she goes! The flue came from a well known online supplier, who were most helpful. As we don't have a chimney we ran the flue straight up thru the room above, our bathroom and now have a toasty warm upstairs! and warm towels. We now have a true heart to our house which glows and spreads out it's glorious heat! I can't recommend this stove enough!