
Woodwarm Fireview 5 Slender stove

Overall Rating:

4.5 flames

based on 7 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Woodwarm Fireview 5 Slender stove

The Firewarm 5kw stove is available as a woodburner, with or without a boiler, optional plinth and varying leg heights.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 4.5 flames
Value for money 4.5 flames
Ease of use 5 flames
Ease of lighting 5 flames
Firebox size 4.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 4.5 flames
Controllability 5 flames
Handle operation 4 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Fantastic

    D N 3 years ago

    First time woodburner owner, wow this stove kicks out the heat, we have two fans on top leave the lounge door open and it blows heat round rest of house, very rare we put the heating on. So
    easy to control, its like turning a gas fire up and down, great airwash, never get dirty glass, ee burn dry seasoned wood and its exceeded our expectation.. 5* from us
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Absolutely delighted

    Brenda Ashman 12 years ago

    We had this Woodwarm fitted in May this year, little did we know that our gas boiler was going to give a lot of trouble, so over the last month, the woodburner has been pressed into use to heat
    the house.It is brilliant, looks good in the room, and is a pleasure to use, so easy to light, and very controllable, and heat output is amazing.We would not hesitate to recommend this fire to anyone who may be undecided.It is probably the best addition we have made to the house ever.Also the glass keeps clean, and the fire becomes addictive to watch, better than some TV programmes.Go out and buy one.

    Stove expert replied: Sounds a lovley stove, good review.

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Woodwarm Fireview 5 Slender stove

  • Cracking little stove

    Dawn F 6 years ago

    This is my first time owning a log burner. I have a friend who thoroughly researched before fitting his own, larger, Woodwarm. I was very impressed. I was lucky enough to find an almost new,
    second hand, slimline. So it cost me less than half the price of a new one. We bought a slab boiler direct from Woodwarm and retro-fitted. I am renovating my cottage and the Woodwarm was the first thing to be installed. My downstairs is open plan and around 30sq metres. I have no other source of heating. This little stove is now going into it''s third winter, it''s fantastic. My home is comfortably warm throughout. I burn well seasoned apple wood mostly, which is free from my Son''s orchard. I get the fire going with pallet wood stored over the summer. The fire is easy to light, gets up to temperature rapidly and burns incredibly efficiently. There is never much ash and the airwash keeps the glass clean. I love how controllable the fire is. I work from home and can load it up, close it down and leave it happily for an hour, to look after itself.The slab boiler gives me plenty of hot water at no extra cost (I also get kiln dried oak off cuts from a local kitchen maker) and I have a heat leak radiator in my office upstairs. It is the coldest room in the house. Luckily, it is in the ideal location for the supplementary rad. Apart from this I need no other heat. When it is very cold, I bank my fire with smokeless fuel overnight and close it right down. This keeps the house toasty overnight.I only have to open the vent in the morning, chuck some logs on and she''s away again.I have just finished dry-lining my cottage and have been running the stove for a couple of weeks now as the weather is cooling. I am noticing that it is even more efficient. I did buy two things, a little fan for the top of it and a flue pipe thermostat, so that I can be sure that it is running at optimum temperature. I have become so used to her, that I can pretty much gauge what optimum Looks like.I can only recommend this stove. I wondered if it might be too small, but I am now wondering if I really need to install gas heating at all. I also thought the firebox might be too small. But actually, it has been perfectly ok. It may be that it would be possible to close it down for longer, if I could get more wood in. But it has suited the way I use it so far. In terms of good value, I struck very lucky finding such a bargain second hand. I can''t believe anyone would take one out, mine is so exceptional. I have gauged that I use about two tons of wood over a winter, and I don''t stint. Overnight smokeless fuel has amounted, on average, to four 25KG bags each winter. I''d say that''s pretty economical for heat and unlimited hot water! I can''t say enough good things about the Woodwarm.

    Stove expert replied: Great review, free water and plenty of heat, what more could you ask for?

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • The Woodwarm Fireview should be a Top Candidate if you have the Money

    Andrew Geoffrey 9 years ago

    Previously had a Morso squirrel and the glass used to soot up very fast. This Woodwarm is much better - an almost perfect view every time - especially enjoyable for a ex fireman! I am quite
    conservative with fuel, but it still kicks out plenty of heat. Top tip: I decided to try on some wood briquettes which I purchased in Sheffield and these burn like hardwood (I'd recommend these). If I had to make criticisms they would be 1. the handles get too hot to touch (need to use the tool provided) 2. the ash tray fills up quickly and needs emptying about every two fires 3. the price is high. The criticisms are only minor and it is still an excellent stove worth paying for.

    Stove expert replied: The ash pan should be emptied regularly to prevent the ash from building up close the the grate system, ideally every day. If the ash builds up close to the grate this can lead to premature failure as the air is unable to circulate to cool the grate down.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • woodwarm 5kw

    Janet Thompson 9 years ago

    researched which fire to buy for a small room, survey carried out, visits and comparisons completed - I made my purchase. What a disappointment, most heat goes up the chimney. Works best with
    door open. No vents for hot air to come out of. Bought expensive IQfan to circulate the air, but that was a waste of money. My advice would be to choose a different woodburner

    Stove expert replied: Do get the flue draw checked as it sounds like the flue draw is excessive and is pulling the heat out of the stove before it can heat the stove / room. Can you shut the stove down to a slumber mode? Make sure that the fuel you are using is dry and well seasoned with a moisture content of less that 20%.

    Overall rating:

    2 flames

  • Wonderful Woodburner

    Brenda Ashman 11 years ago

    We had the Wood Burner fitted in May 2012, and since then the house has been transformed, we have a 12 years old house with good insulation, but since using the Woodwarm, the whole house has
    benefited, and the lounge, which is 19 feet by 15 feet can get very toasty.The central heating shuts off very quickly in the evenings, and has saved us a lot of gas.Even upstairs without the radiators working is quite comfortable, which before would have been uncomfortable without radiators working.We would recommend Woodwarm to anybody, as we do here locally IT HAS TRANSFORMED OUR HOUSEBest investment we have ever made.Go ahead and treat yourself
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • wonderfull woodwarm

    S.holden 12 years ago

    Super stove this is my fifth year of ownership,had no problems ,never had a dirty glass once. I am using the rear flue outlet to Isokern flue liners and burn wood only and make sure it is less
    than 20% moisture content. Well done woodwarm on a superbly designed stove with a great view of the fire and superbly made and well thought out controls, rather than some of the fiddly affairs on other models.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames