
Windy Smithy Henry stove

Overall Rating:

5 flames

based on 8 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Windy Smithy Henry stove

The Windy Smithy Henry stove is ideal for fitting into a caravan, boat or yurt. The flue can be either central in the top of the stove or set on the left side.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 5 flames
Quality of finish 5 flames
Value for money 5 flames
Ease of use 5 flames
Ease of lighting 5 flames
Firebox size 5 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 5 flames
Handle operation 5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • WindySmithy Woodburners

    Morgan Gelert 7 years ago

    I''ve had Henry stoves in 4 different vehicles and wagons over the years and always received a top notch job. Not only are the stoves well built and designed. They are highly efficient and I
    know absolutely that the installation will be spot on with no corners cut. Jon is a craftsman and he takes a pride in his work. I work and live in Scandinavia. Often sleeping out in temperatures as low as -30c in Lappland in the depth of Winter. I can tell you these stoves stay in for the night and keep me well toasty.

    Stove expert replied: Great comments

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Windy Smithy - Arthur - My Experience!

    Samuel 14 years ago

    The Windy Smithy range of wood burning stoves start at £200, which made them a very attractive possibility for my converted bus. Upon reading a few reviews, I came across only one negative
    review – one that claimed it was hard to keep going (I absolutely disagree more on that below..) every other comment was about how well built they were. By the time I’d specced up our stove it was to bearound £700 with the fluepipe. Now this sounds alotabove the initial £200, and it is, but not when you consider what we ended up with. I opted for an “Arthur” stove (largest one in the range) with added backboiler(as I want to heat my hot water tank for showers), we also got a custom window inserted in the stove. I also got 4metresof stove pipeand a couple of 45degree elbows. Jon Snow, owner of Windy Smithy, was a great help in choosing the right stove, advising on how things worked etc. He even went as far as recommending another make of stove when I mentioned I wanted a window – however I didn’t want anything else! Jon’s designs are spot-on. whilst more than willing to add a window, he was concerned that the airflow design did not incorporate airwash, therefore the glass would become sootedup. after experience with my fathers non-airwash stove I decided to proceed anyway, as it just needs wiping daily. and I’m glad I did – a small round window above the door glows when the fires going, even when fairly sooty you still get a good idea of how he’s burning. I originally wanted a ranger version (small side oven) but funds prohibited. Maybe one day I will upgrade. The build quality of the stove is exceptional. Attention to detail is amazing, the stoves door handle is beatifullyforged, the top plate sufficiently thick, right down to the logo subtly embossed in the front of the top plate. the window modification is perfect. (to me). The backboileris perfectly integrated into the rear of the stove, with the correct 1? bsp male connections to allow gravity feed to be used. The Backboileris interesting, I’ve yet to use it to heat water, but iconnected it to my heating circuit with one radiator (small 2ftsquare) and a pump (the pipeworkis 15mm plastic speedfit (with restricting inserts at joints) and quite a run through manifolds, up and down angles etc), to my surprise with the pump turned off it still gravity feeds and the radiator is lovely and warm. I will be fitting a safety thermostat on the pump so in the event the boiler temp is too high, the pump will always turn on. Overall I’m very impressed, more than impressed. When my “Arthur” arrived, I was horrified to find my carrier had lost it, then when I finally collected It in the dark and rain from the depot I failed to notice a bent leg (slightly it doesn’t show to anyone but me). Jon was more than happy to help me get it sorted (despite me accepting resposibility for signing carrier note to say it’s ok). I decided it was easier to live with it than risk further postal damage! now he’s bolted down, he works well, and looks the bees knees! Cooking on Arthur is wonderful, his heat is gentle but hot enough. Placing my plates under the stove means I get lovely warm plates by the time I’ve cooked. I’ve realised I’ve been cooking all of my food on electric/gas hobs way too fast. Lighting Arthur is fairly straighforward, if you can light any stove, then you can light a Windy Smithy stove. I’m used to multifuelstoves with a grate- but to burn wood you soon realise how you don’t need it.A couple of firelighters, a few of bits of kindling, light the lighters, kindling ontop, shut door, wait for lots of flames / a roar, then logs in. Works everytime. The air control is precise and turn it off and the stove goes out quickly – just as I want it. An overnight burn is really easy, the air control valve rotates (about 1/4turnfrom minimum to maximum) but is very cleverly spring loadedensuring consistent and precise air control. I turned it fairly low with a large log in, and after 6hours it was still burning with plenty to go. I was also impressed with the low costflue pipe – I needed 4metresof pipe to go up at a 45* angle and then vertical up the stairwell. I literally pushed the pipes together, pushed it into the stove flue collar, absolutely no seal was required (thus cleaning it would be a simple excercise!) I also was amazed how even when stove is roaring away my roof doesntget warm. I decided to make a rigid diy flashing using a piece of upside down chequer plate sealing it with normal silicone sealant. This doesnt get warm, nevermind hot, and bolts to the aluminium roof (i cut an oversized hole in the bus roof). The flue pipe will be capped with a modified baking tin to discuise flue as an aerial/vent bulge on the roof. This stove is worth every penny.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Windy Smithy Henry stove

  • Amazing stove!

    8 years ago

    I have been amazed by its efficiency and how little fuel it takes to get really hot and stay hot. Unlike other wood burners I've had, the Henry is really quick and easy to light. The stove top
    is the perfect size for a large pan or kettle and it takes very little time to heat up. It is also very well designed both for efficiency but also aesthetically.

    Stove expert replied: Great comments. Nearly top marks on all aspects!

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • A brilliant little stove

    Rachel Gray 9 years ago

    It is an absolutely brilliant stove which has transformed our lives. As we both work outdoors it makes a tremendous difference to have somewhere warm to come into. Also the ability to cook on
    the top has meant being able to cook delicious casseroles with ease. It is economical, controllable and efficient. I had some doubts that it would be large enough to adequately heat the space, but having read other reviews I didn't opt for the larger version. The result is a comfortable temperature most of the time and occasionally it is actually too hot. My daughter commented when it was first installed that it was unnaturally hot in here ! It was certainly one of my best decisions to choose this stove.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Brilliant Stove

    Kate Carne 11 years ago

    I don't think I've ever written a review of anything before, but I was sitting in my hut today, and I thought I just had to say what a wonderful stove this windy smithy Henry is. I have it
    in an 8 x 12 foot meditation hut in the garden (well insulated) and with only two or three small logs, it heats up the space beautifully. I went for a Henry rather than the smaller versions because in a woodburner, you need a certain amount of space to build a fire....if the firebox is too small, it can be hard to lay a fire. I guess the flue is about 3 meters in all, and the draw is fine... the stove fires up quickly and the control on the door is excellent. Cannot recommend this stove enough, and its maker (Jon, in Devon) was very helpful. If you need a conpact stove and don't want a window, you could not do better than this model.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • This title thing has charged my life.....

    Julian 12 years ago

    After much deliberation I settled on a Windy Smithy Henry for my van to replace the pot-bellied thing that had had me chopping wood into splinters small enough to go into the ridiculously tiny
    firebox.I bought all the little bits and pieces necessary to make the installation easy and still the bill was not at all excessive. In fact when I look at it now and imagine the work that went into making, never mind designing, the stove I cannot imagine that there is very much profit in the thing. Perhaps the Windy Smithy is simply a charity to help keep van dwellers warm?So, it was installed in under two hours (with the help of a friend who doesn't speak any English (and my Moldavian is, frankly, in need of some revision; so that was a hoot) a bit of paper, some splinters of dry wood, a match and Hemry was alight at 3:30 yesterday afternoon. I am writing this at 11:30 the next day and my new friend is still alight, keeping me warm, making tea and my breakfast this morning.I have the windows open as I didn't listen to Jon telling me that it may be too large for my size of van but now that it is in and was so easy to light and regulate and keep going all night I may mull over a trip to the Antarctic.Look, enough of this gushing, if you are looking for a burner (I also own a Woodwarm {brilliant} and a Mørso {pretty good}) I would advise you to save time and ring up the Windy Smithy and get one of his.He has, without sounding fed up, answered about a hundred questions from me. And Amalia, too, was unfortunate enough to pick up the phone on several occasions and she was equally as happy to help and was incredibly knowledgeable.My Henry puts out a very constant, controllable heat, which has literally changed my life...I no longer have to huddle over my pot-bellied thing living in fear of the wind that blows through the cracks in my van. And cooking on a wood burner has to be the closest thing to heaven for me.So, come on...give 'em a call and if you can get the chance to see one in the flesh, so to speak, you will agree that they are really wonderfully fashioned.This will make van living as delightful in the winter as it is in the summer. Maybe more so....there is something so lovely about a decent wood burner on a cold and rainy day.(There is no Airwash on a Henry so I have given it a score of one. There wasn't a zero)

    Stove expert replied: Great review but may not suit all situations.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Loving my Henry

    Jim Eades 12 years ago

    I almost bought a second-hand Jotul 602 when I saw the Windy Smithy website and instantly fell in love with John Snow's work. After reading tons of reviews I took the plunge and went to meet
    with John and pick up a burner. John was really helpful and I ended up buying a Henry stove. I have to say that not only does it look the bee's knee's but it is an absolute joy to use!It lights in seconds, heats my truck up in minutes and stays alight like I have a ghost keeping it stoked for me at night. I love my Henry, it's the best and I also get to support a local craftsman who also happens to be a really nice guy.

    Stove expert replied: Top marks all round and one very happy customer!

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • windy smith woodburning stoves

    J. Mcleod 14 years ago

    I found these beautiful and more importantly robust and excellent and easy to use woodburning stoves by pure chance, and am so pleased I have, I have found them to be fantastic, do exactly what
    they say on the tin and unlike others actually burn all night keeping us cosy and warm. Economical to run and easy to light and operate and the price is right, what more can anyone ask?
    Overall rating:

    5 flames