
Parkray Consort 5 Slimline

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 7 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Parkray Consort 5 Slimline

The Slimline 5 is a slender version of the Consort 5, the Slimline 5 has a shallower fuel bed so can be fitted on a smaller hearth.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 4.5 flames
Value for money 3.5 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 3.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 4.5 flames
Controllability 4 flames
Handle operation 3 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 3 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 3.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Very poor heat output - very disappointed

    Trevor Hammett 8 years ago

    Had this stove just over a year. I was assured by the company we bought it from that it would more than heat our living room 23' x13' when burning at capacity and we wouldn't need our radiators
    on in the room. Basically it heats a couple of feet in front of the stove and if you are further away you can hardly feel it. We realised how poorly it performs when we visited friends who have a Jotul stove which gives an amazing heat output and this has motivated my comments. I burn seasoned dry logs and sometimes smokeless fuel. Can someone also explain ' Tertiary air can be controlled by adjusting the cover plate on the back of the stove'? Will definitely be going Scandinavian next time I buy a stove. They obviously know what they are doing.

    Stove expert replied: The size of stove purchased may be small for the area that you are wishing to heat as if poorly insulated I have calculated that this space will require 7.8kW basing the height of the room on 9ft. The stove purchased has a maximum output of 6kW with the nominal (average) being 4kW. Using smokeless fuel on it will give you the best heat output as it is a more even heat than wood which varies during the burning period on the amount of heat produced.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • parkray

    S.cain 13 years ago

    Noisy click sound as metal expands and contracts can irritate -heat output not as great as some other models but an OK stove I only burn wood, so if you burn other solid fuels you may have
    different experience

    Stove expert replied: If this is a new installation I would go back to supplier about the noise as there may be a way to overcome this!!

    Overall rating:

    3 flames

More reviews for Parkray Consort 5 Slimline

  • Slim but Feisty Woodburner

    Dan Villa 9 years ago

    Great 5kw woodburner. ideal size for my large lounge, tucks away into the recess of the hearth plenty of heat looks good in the double door version, easy to use air controls. If you want more
    heat just fill it up with logs, glass stays clean due to the hot air wash system. this is my 3rd woodburner & so far my favourite. I cant really fault this stove.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Mixed feelings after initial issue with delivery

    Scott Appleyard 9 years ago

    We have owned a hunter stove for several years and liked it so we thought we would get a parkray consort 5 slimline,, the first one delivered was dropped and the door smashed of it, which
    was more an issue for the company we got it from than the manufacturer. Then the second one had a scratch on the top, the third one we had was OK up until the second time we set fire to it and the glass just shattered for no reason, must have had a knock in the past life! Also we did notice that the double door has a lot more leeward air vents in the door than the single door version, not sure what this will do to the air flow. It seems a nice stove I like the vents being semi covered and hidden on the front it gives it a bit of a swishy look, love the door closed riddling for the full width of the fire, the glass air wash works well, and love the removable handle for the ash tray so you don't have to use gloves to pick it up..
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Parkray consort slimline 5

    Paul Hughes 10 years ago

    We have had the stove now for 3 weeks. We love the detail of the stove as we spent a long time researching for it. The last couple of days the stove flu pipe coming from the stove has started
    to make some loud annoying cracking sounds. I do know that metal expands and retracts but is this normal ? We are just burning wood at present and doing whatever the instructions say.The noise is so loud at times it puts you off watching TV.

    Stove expert replied: I would suggest getting the installer back as this does seem strange, it is not normal for the flue to make a noise.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • Good stove but not as hot as I would have thought.

    Ken F 10 years ago

    After looking at lots of reviews and trawling what seemed like the whole of the internet (this site is the best by far for real reviews) I decided on a Parkray burner with the help of a cheap
    deal on the internet. I found the stove really easy to light, simple to clean and looks really nice while burning, the only issue I had is it didn't heat the room as much as I thought. After reading reviews people would say it would heat up my living room and the heat would/could spread through by 2 bedroom bungalow. Unfortunately after 3 weeks of burning I found out that it could only get my sitting room(20 by 13FT) up to about 17/18 degrees, if I had it stoked up all day with the door shut then around the 20 mark, with the sitting room door open it would struggle to warm the room never mind the house. I thought it was something I was doing or the it wasn't fitted correctly so called out my HETAS fitter who confirmed everything was correct with the fitting and the wood I was burning was well seasoned. Everything else I loved about the stove apart from the heating issue, next time around I would definitely go for the higher output.

    Stove expert replied: A larger stove would when ticking over cope with the room size whereas this stove on max should cope with the space. Perhaps changing fuel type would give you a better heat output.

    Overall rating:

    4 flames


    Danny Nield 13 years ago

    Bought our slimline four months ago and have been so impressed. It has delivered on all aspects and just keeps giving. This is our first stove but have used others(holidays/friends houses etc
    ..)and hand on heart this is by far the best. So impressed that we are now going to buy the consort 4 for our bedroom.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames