
Review of Morso Panther stove

Morso Panther

Ralph Seeley 15 years ago

Generally a good solid fire, capable of giving a out a lot of heat. We have had one for ~10 years and are generally very satisfied.


We have not had a lot of success with slow burning.

One of the glass planes broke.

Possibly because we have used it with solid fuels, we have found that the rotating circular grate warps eventually: it "dishes". We have replaced it twice.

Stove expert replied: Modern efficient stoves like Morso stoves, will generally not be good at slow burning. Wood burns inefficiently when slowly burnt and many of these stoves have some air supply which cannot be shut down - this helps keep the stove running efficiently and helps the airwash to work. The warping grate is a sign that the stove is being burnt too hard on the coal or that the grate is getting too hot or both - best to close the primary air down a little and make sure that the grate is clear of ash and that the ashpan is not too full.

Overall rating:

4 flames

Build Quality 4 flames (avg 4.2)
Quality of finish 4 flames (avg 4.2)
Value for money 4 flames (avg 3.5)
Ease of use 4 flames (avg 4.1)
Ease of lighting 4 flames (avg 4.3)
Firebox size 4 flames (avg 4.2)
How well does the airwash work 4 flames (avg 3.8)
Controllability 3 flames (avg 4.3)
Handle operation 4 flames (avg 3.9)
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames (avg 3.6)
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames (avg 3.7)