
Heta Inspire 45 stove

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 18 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Heta Inspire 45 stove

The Inspire 45 stove is a multi fuel stove with an nominal heat output of 4.9 kW. The stove is highly efficient at 84% and is also approved for smoke control areas.

Technical Data
  • Height: 555mm
  • Width: 540mm
  • Depth: 377mm
  • Flue Diameter: 125mm
  • Fuel: Multi fuel
  • Nominal Heat Output: 4.9kW
  • Efficiency: 84%

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 4.5 flames
Value for money 3.5 flames
Ease of use 4 flames
Ease of lighting 3.5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 4 flames
Handle operation 4 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 3.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 3.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Disappointed

    Stuart Yeates 2 years ago

    We previously had an x40 cube and it was much cheaper and better in many ways. The heta is easier to use and the glass always stays clean however it has some very bad characteristics. The most
    annoying of which is the amount of smoke it releases into the room when you open the door to add fuel. Overall given the choice i would go back to the cube as it was hotter and did not stink the house out when the door was opened.

    Stove expert replied: As withy all ecodesign stoves, the combustion chamber is fairly air tight, it is recommended to open the door slightly to reverse the pressure and allow the smoke/gases to go up the chimney.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Corker of a stove!

    Pete Bell 10 years ago

    This was recommended to me by an installer friend. It's beautifully well-made: stainless steel construction with a cast iron door. When another fitter installed it, he was adamant that it looked
    more like an 8kw stove and indeed, the heat output is phenomenal. The stove oozes contemporary quality and the flame patterns are gorgeous through the lovely and big window. You can literally see the secondary air system cleaning the vermiculite bricks from sooty to clean and the glass window remains clean after many huge firings, so the air wash system works a treat. Priced sensibly, it's a quality Danish engineered stove from a company who seem to take the best ideas (single lever controlling air flow is so easy to use) from competitors and integrates them into their designs with care and precision. This is, a corker of a stove!
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Heta Inspire 45 stove (page 1 of 2)

  • Excellent stove

    Damian Tyrrell 5 years ago

    Had my Heta Inspire 45 for about three years now and it''s been brilliant. I work for a chimney manufacturer so quite a few of my customers raved about it so I took the plunge and I''m glad
    I did. Plus I''ll be honest I got it for a cracking price as well. It looks great with a large window, it''s easy to control and its burns beautifully. Oh, and for crying out loud don''t burn wet wood or house coal, neither your stove nor your chimney will thank you for it.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Love the design but clicks loudly

    Tracey Ross 6 years ago

    I bought the Heta Inspire 45 stove as it''s ticked all the boxes in terms of quality in its stylish design, output and finish. I have been using it for just over a year and it continues to emit
    a loud clicking noise, just about all the time, except for moments when it''s quiet for about 15 minutes - then clicks loudly again when either cooling down or after putting another log on.... I only burn dry and seasoned Ash and hardwood. From all the reviews I have read here nobody seems to have this problem! Yet I have read about this continuing clicking on other reviews. I wonder if it has a fault that can be fixed within the stove - and if so who do I contact?

    Stove expert replied: It has been known that the metal expanding and contracting on a stove can cause a clicking sound, you would need to go back to the supplier / manufacturer for their advice.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • A Reasonable Stove

    Nick Evans 6 years ago

    Overall a good stove. Information is misleading as it claims to burn wood and solid fuel. This is a wood only stove and not suitable for smokeless fossil fuels. The riddle system for the ash
    pan is as pathetic as it gets, simply hopeless. Hovever, this really isn''t a problem as ash can easily be removed from the buring area with a small coal shovel. Burns well with seasoned hard wood below 20% moisture.
    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • Wonderful

    Mozzy Jones 6 years ago

    Bought the Heat 45 as there was no Clearview agent here in Lincoln ...Thank goodness. This is probably our sixth or seventh log burner and frankly thus is by far the best by a ''Country Mile
    . Supplied and installed professionally into our single story cottage, burning Ash after waiting a week after fitting for seals etc to cure. After a dozen small fires building over the dozen from one hour light duty to full on after a dozen has cured the seals and paint perfectly. What is all this nonsense about ''TLC'' for this stove. Leave a bed of ash, throw in a log or two, kindling on top and one fire lighter. Fires up perfectly on every lighting; heat output is amazing, glass says clean, logs last an age; truly this is the log burner of log burners. We have central heating and the room this fire is in is five mtrs by eight and a half (Lounge diner). MORE than enough. I'd give this fire eleven out of ten based on my fifty years of experience with life and log fires. Look no further.

    Stove expert replied: What a recommendation, great review!

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Not multifuel

    Georgina Glover 6 years ago

    The most important thing to say about this stove is that it only burns wood, so the introduction is misleading. I'm quite pleased with it but I do find the upside down way of lighting it a
    real pain. Once it's going it's great but getting there is not straightforward. Would not have bought it if I had known that I couldn't burn coal in an emergency.

    Stove expert replied: Household coal is not recommended for most closed appliances due to it being dirty and burning with a longer flame than smokeless fuels.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • Heart of the house

    Nick Cowern 7 years ago

    This is a great stove - a fine design, robust construction and a large front window, almost giving the impression of an open fire. I can believe its phenomenal claimed efficiency - it burns
    slowly or fast as controlled and can keep my small detached house warm even when it is freezing outside. Just one quirky aspect - with my model, bought in 2015, you have to keep the door slightly ajar when first lighting, as there is no setting to give a high oxygen flow during those first minutes before a strong draught has been set up and the door can be closed. Just occasionally this can release a little smoke into the room, but generally a draught is quickly set up and this is not a problem. Highly recommended for making your house a home.

    Stove expert replied: Many installations can require more draught on initial lighting to aid the draw on the cold flue system and once warmed the draw increases allowing the gases to lift away from the stove effectively.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Best decision we ever made

    Jon Walker 7 years ago

    We had very specific requirements on looks and produced a shortlist and eventually chose the Heta 45 for the size of the glass and its clean lines. It is simple to light and I have never failed
    to get it to light. I use top down lighting. With the air right open it pulls like a train and you have to shut it back or its too hot and eats fuel, but apparently you shouldn't run these flat out for any period anyway. The glass soots up if you shut the air right down, like when we go out and leave it, but as soon as its opened up again and refueled it pretty much burns off. I clean the glass with ordinary window cleaner and a little ash if there is anything stubborn. It leaves so little ash, I only have to remove some ash every 6 or uses. Very Happy.

    Stove expert replied: Short periods of fast burn (no more than 20 mins max) are good for a stove to burn off tar residues that are produced during a slumber period. If the stove draws too vigorously you may need a flue damper to get better control, this is something that an installer can guide you on as they can take a flue draw measurement to confirm that it meets and matches the manufacturers recommendations.

    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Disappointing

    Anne Halteh 8 years ago

    Our HETA Inspire 34 was installed in early December 2016 by the beginning of January we had to have the chimney swept! The installer blamed it on the wood we used (bought from a recommended
    source) and for some reason he removed a baffle plate saying it would improve performance it hasn't! Its hard to light, smoky, the glass is dirty - a very expensive disappointment!!

    Stove expert replied: It sounds as if the flue draw is poor and possibly there is not enough free air in the room for combustion to occur correctly so this should be checked out thoroughly. There are things that can be done such as an air brick, elongating the flue, lining the flue etc.

    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames

  • Excellent stove, buy with confidence

    Rowland Fraser 8 years ago

    This is the second stove I have installed, the other is cast iron from a well know brand, and I am mightily impressed. There really is no comparison. Output seems much higher than rated and
    burns well even with poorly seasoned wood. The single lever control is simple and effective with a sensible range. I also love the big window and effective air wash. Very happy and a bargain price for such an excellent unit.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

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