
Firemaster 5 stove

Overall Rating:

3.5 flames

based on 5 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Firemaster 5 stove

The Firemaster 5 is a 5 Kw wood burning or smokeless fuels stove with a smokeless option.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 3.5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 4 flames
Ease of use 4 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 3.5 flames
Controllability 4 flames
Handle operation 3 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 3.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames

Most Recent Review

Most Popular Review

  • Cast tec Newark Multi-fuel Stove

    Barry Wilson 12 years ago

    This is the first multi-fuel stove we have used, so it took us a little while to learn how to use it.We are using both smoke-less fuel(Ovoids) and seasoned hardwood logs, and we are delighted
    with the performance.It will "tick-over" all day on one load of Ovoids,and then in the evening, we open up the vents and throw on a couple of logs to give more flame.The heat output is very impressive for a relatively small stove.

    Stove expert replied: Multifuel stoves do give the option of burning smokeless fuels and wood to suit different needs depending on your requirements. If you are having to buy fuel it is worth pricing each to see which gives better value and performance.

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

More reviews for Firemaster 5 stove

  • Not the best

    Peter Senior 6 years ago

    Nice little stove but be prepared to buy lots of grates. After only a few weeks of use the grate starts to melt. I''ve had to replace it after every winter so after 5 years it cost's a lot.
    Spoke to a local company who supplies the parts who tell me this is normal. I know lots of other people with stoves and they have never had this problem with other brands. I''m looking to change mine and my next one will definitely not be a firemaster.

    Stove expert replied: Try leaving a small bed of ash to protect the grate from direct heat, do remove any from ash pan frequently to prevent the grate from being heated from both sides. Only riddle the stove until you start to see red embers in the ash pan.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Old handle design issue

    Ben Mullen 9 years ago

    I have this stove but it has a different handle and catch set up to the one in the photo. It doesn't always hold the door closed sealed shut. I've called the manufacturer who advised me to tap
    the metal strip which is the catch. This works but only temporarily. So when buying this stove make sure you get the newer handle set up.
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Firemaster 5 stove

    Jim 11 years ago

    We were initially very pleased with this stove then after less than 4 months, the glass on the door cracked. We called Cast Tek who said it wasn't covered by warranty and they wouldn't replace
    it but we could buy more glass from them for another £46 + carriage. We're not impressed that a stove costing £500 should have cracked glass after just 4 months of use. For that reason, we wouldn't recommend it nor would we buy a Cast Tek again. However, it does give out a lot of heat and is pretty efficient.

    Stove expert replied: No manufacturer covers glass under warranty, it is a shame that you're rating the stove on this. It is like buying a car and 4 months later the windscreen cracks, there may be no obvious reason that can be found for this this and understandably it is very disappointing. Warranties do not also cover liners and other consumable parts.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames