
Review of Esse 350 stove

Very efficient stove with extremely poor build quality and materials.

Peter Bleasdale

I have had the Esse 350GS now for 3 years and use smokeless fuel. The first door glass cracked after 6 months of use and the inside of the door was so badly corroded that Esse replaced the whole thing under warranty. The second glass lasted just a week! Esse recommended only tightening the nuts finger tight which appears to have solved the problem.The inside construction of the door,(I have the contemporary stainless door)is of extremely poor quality and the method of securing the glass is by fitted steel screws which despite me replacing the steel nuts by 316 stainless ones still rust badly which makes glass replacement virtually impossible. The inside of the stove is badly corroded which is a shame because the heat provided to our house is very good.

I would definitely not buy another Esse 350GS stove which has abysmal quality.

Stove expert replied: The corrosion on the inside of the stove may be due to the fuel used or the stove being operated on too low a setting for prolonged periods. Insure that the fuel is dry and seasoned with a moisture content of less than 20%.

Overall rating:

3 flames

Build Quality 2 flames (avg 3.4)
Quality of finish 2 flames (avg 3.4)
Value for money 1 flames (avg 3.2)
Ease of use 4 flames (avg 3.9)
Ease of lighting 5 flames (avg 3.9)
Firebox size 4 flames (avg 3.5)
How well does the airwash work 2 flames (avg 3.2)
Controllability 4 flames (avg 3.3)
Handle operation 5 flames (avg 3.8)
How likely are you to buy it again? 1 flames (avg 3.2)
What is your overall satisfaction? 2 flames (avg 3.4)