
Dovre 250 stove

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 16 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Dovre  250 stove

The Dovre 250 is the smallest of the Dovre stoves and is well suited to the smaller room. It is a well built stove with nice proportions and can come as a woodburning or multifuel stove.

Technical Data
  • Height: 560mm
  • Width: 455mm
  • Depth: 405mm
  • Flue Diameter: 125mm
  • Fuel: Multi fuel
  • Nominal Heat Output: 5kW
  • Efficiency: 77%

Add your review of this stove

Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 4.5 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 4 flames
Handle operation 4 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4.5 flames

Most Recent Review

Most Popular Review

  • Great stove

    Ali Hood 15 years ago

    If my partner and I ever had to share out our possessions we would have a custody battle over our stove - it's that good! Not only is the Dovre really well made, but it is also beautiful in
    it's simplicity. Really easy to light, and with regard the door getting sooty - we just rub it clean with the newspaper that goes under the kindling.The stove kicks out enough heat to keep our front room toasty and take the chill off the whole ground floor. We've given up using the central heating on all but the few subzero nights of the year, so we reckon the stove paid for itself in just two winters. We've also used the top of our stove to cook food and I especially recommend it for crisping off the bottom of pizza! So much more fuel efficient, cosy and safe than the previous open fire we're already eyeing up a larger model to heat the whole of our house for next winter.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Dovre 250 stove (page 1 of 2)

  • Door removal

    Rob Stone 5 years ago

    Hi, does anyone know how to take the door off a 250?

    Stove expert replied: • Remove the door from the appliance, by opening, removing the hinge pins and lifting the door free of the hinge blocks There is the above guidance in the manual that is provided with the stove. If you can review the stove would be of interest to other customers.

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Beautiful and practical

    Jane Sircombe 10 years ago

    We brought the beautiful Dovre Ivory enamelled stove to replace the huge ugly black stove we inherited with the cottage over 30 years ago, why did we wait so long, it looks so stylish and gives
    out plenty of heat without roasting everyone ( we had to open the porch door to cool the sitting room down with the old stove which was much too large for our sitting room)With a much smaller fire box we use very little fuel as the stove burns so efficiently. We would recommend you check the stove KW calculator to see what you really need before buying, something the previous owners of our cottage never did but installed a 9kw+ we now have a stove which at half the output of the old one works really well. Should have done it years ago!
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Majolica Bruin Stove

    Lisa Donaghy 10 years ago

    I bought this stove 7 years ago and was delighted with it. Unfortunately 5 years later the enamel started to flake quite badly, I contacted the supplier who In turn contacted the manufacturer
    who replaced the stove. Again I was delighted with the stove however not 2 years later the same problem occurred. This time the supplier and the manufacturer claim that the guarantee only applies to the original stove not the replacement so therefore no guarantee. I feel this is completely unacceptable, as there was nothing I could have done to prevent the enamel flaking as I always adhered to the maintenance from the manufacturing guidelines. I would be very interested to hear if anyone has had similar issues.
    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Flaky enamel

    Sarah 12 years ago

    The stove I bought was cream enamel. After two years at least 10% of the enamel has flaked off, especially on the top and around the collar that joins the stove to the stove pipe.The ash riddle
    is too stiff to use and the control at the top right hand corner is also too stiff to alter easily.I am quite angry about the enamel but apart from that I quite like it.

    Stove expert replied: Check the warranty to see if this is covered.

    Overall rating:

    3 flames

  • A good stove which could easily be made excellent

    Graham Timmins 12 years ago

    I chose the Dovre from amongst many stoves offering similar performance because of its design. I wanted a small stove which was neither as fussily ornamented as many 'traditional' stoves nor
    as square and boxy as many 'modern' stoves. I also wanted a stove which was wider rather than taller, keeping the heat output lower to the ground and suiting my small modern living room. The Dovre ticks all these boxes nicely.The stove is solid and well cast, but not in the same class as other stoves I've owned such as Morsø and Clearview. Of course, these cost far more so I'm not complaining. Like any stove, the Dovre puts out plenty of heat, and most of it radiates forwards through the generously sized glass door. Like most stoves it burns fine overnight with proper management, in fact 10 hour slow burns are easy to achieve, at least they are if you use seasoned hardwood, and you will naturally get soot on the window when the draught is fully closed. I've had it going round the clock for 4 days at a time during the recent cold snap with no problem, helped by the deeper fire box you get without a coal-burning ash grid.The niggles I have with this stove concern the engineering of the airflow and especially the controls. The bottom vent is easy to operate, but makes no difference to the burning. It doesn't provide enough air to start the fire (for that I need to leave the door ajar for 5 or 10 minutes) and its way too much for steady burning. The top vent control, a peg about 7mm wide, is too small to get hold of, too short so it gets very hot, and too stiff to slide smoothly (even after loosening the retaining screw as much as I or the supplier was able to, which was not much). In practice I have to hit it with a stick to move it. This tiny peg moves a slider which opens a whole row of 1cm square holes along the top of the stove, so you get plenty of air for regular burning with it only half open, and an excellent airwash over the glass. However it also means that a tiny movement of the peg massively changes the air intake, so what with the difficulty of holding or moving the peg easily, I find it hard to get the setting how I want it. The result of this is that the stove needs constant attention, as it's often burning too fast or too slow, whereas quality stoves can be left to chug away steadily for hours once you have got them going.As for the main door, the handle is small, sharp-edged and stiff, though it closes very securely, especially now I have reglued the rope which was hanging loose after a few days operation. Some of these control issues could easily be fixed by Dovre spending £5 or so on decent sized handles, but I guess the engineering would still not be on a par with Clearview's, where you can control the burning very precisely and effortlessly and get that famous 'dancing flames' effect. However, for under £700 compared with about £1200, I can cope with that!

    Stove expert replied: Honest comments from a customer who has experienced other makes of stoves, a few issues but overall the stove works effectively and is producing the desired heat.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Brilliant little stove

    AN Other 13 years ago

    We had this stove installed July 2010 and are now into our second winter with it. Without doubt it has been a worthwhile investment, this is a great little stove which packs a punch. Like others
    we've not got it burning overnight but to be honest we've not noticed an issue with this. The heat it gives out mean the room it heats is warm the following morning, and often the rooms it feeds into are as well. For a little stove it takes reasonably sized logs, although we do trim the very large ones down and it is incredibly easy to light and control the burn. A year on it still looks very smart.A great buy which we would thoroughly recommend to anyone
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Dovre 250

    Simon Danks 13 years ago

    I looked at lots of Stoves before purchasing the Dovre 250 wood. It heats my main room and also other rooms in the house. My heating has gone off and the Stove is on. Its a great purchase and
    wish I had installed one years ago. I also had my chimney lined, although extra cost was worth it.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • First class choice after all the homework!

    David Sewell 13 years ago

    Like many people who are considering installing a stove for the first time I was somewhat lost as to where to begin in comparing the features I desired, with the availability of a stove on the
    market to actually meet these. I hope that my review of this stove will assist others in their decision to go the stove route, as I literally spent tens of hours in narrowing my choice down to this little beauty (of which we now have 2 installed in each of our separate lounge and dining rooms). I made my decision based partly on the comments on this site hence why I felt it important to add a review.The Stoves I opted for were the Dovre 250 multifuel with short legs and optional smoke control kits.Both of our rooms are approx 5mx4mx3m in size and we have limited size fireplace openings (these stoves just squeezed into our chimney openings leaving the required space surrounding them to the inside of the chimney breast). I have had gas coal "effect" fires installed in smaller rooms in my previous property with a rating of 5kw and was always disappointed with the poor level of heat I actually got from these so was initially a little sceptical about "only" having a 5kw rating on this stove. I have to say that these stoves are great at belting the heat straight out into the rooms and make them nice and toasty within a short space of time - they are far more efficient than any gas fire could be in my opinion. There is also the added benefit that you can keep a 2 litre camping kettle on top of the stove throughout the evening to make a few cups of tea / coffee without having to boil kettle!We have turned off the heating to our downstairs and rely on lighting our stoves to keep warm. Whilst time will tell, I am not convinced that we will be able to heat the entire house from the two stoves on the coldest of evenings, as our house has an above average number of bedrooms. The boiler may not yet be completely redundant but I do feel that we will save money through a combination of a) sourcing logs from a competitively priced farm and b) ensuring our friends will pass any logs to us should they have tree surgery works undertaken, as our gas bill has been extortionate over last two winters.In essence, my desires when choosing a stove were:- Reasonable cost- Top quality cast iron construction - Multifuel- Airwash- Large as poss. viewing window- Ability to accept realistic sized logs (to 30cms)- DEFRA Smoke Exempt (with optional smoke control kit)This was the only stove to meet all of these requirements hence my decision to "take a chance". MY WIFE AND I ARE TOTALLY DELIGHTED WITH OUR CHOICE. THESE STOVES HAVE EXCEEDED OUR EXPECTATIONS. From an operating point of view, I find that if I set a roaring fire to get the flue to a good temperature thus maximising the draw, the controlability with the dial and slider improves dramatically, to a point where you can have the stove either roaring or slumbering after half an hour or so. The draw achieved and controllability is especially pleasing as one of my chimneys has had the stack historically reduced and I have had to have a 600mm pot fitted to get near the necessary height. I have had no issues with the movement of the knobs or slide controls. I set the fire with a layer of screwed up paper balls, kindling on top of this (the better the quality, the easier the lighting) and finally a small log. As I put the next log on, I will usually add 2/3 homefire coal briquettes also (hence benefit of multifuel) as I find these aid me in keeping the heat up and seem to reduce the number of logs I need to keep adding through the evening. I use hardwood logs sourced from a local farm and season these in my self constructed log store (much better value than ready built). The ash pan works well, catching most of the ash and there is a knob you pull out to disturb the grate above so that the ash falls through to ash pan. Relatively little ash is produced compared to the quantity of log burnt. I have made a basic cover to transport the ash pan from stove. This avoids the problem of ash being dropped from the ashpan as you transport through the house to outside (and you don't need to buy an expensive, unnecessary and awkward to store metal box to put ash pan in when you transport it). I from personal choice also went for a 25 year guarantee 904/904 liner as I intend to stay in my house for many years and as long as you sweep twice a year and stick to quality fuel, then this should last for at least that period. I use a mixture of paper with vinegar, a glass cleaner and also a scraper (the type you use to scrap dried paint from glass) to remove any marks from the glass window. The scraper especially works well and with care you don't damage the glass.As for overnight burning I don't feel that any small stove will successfully do this but if I add a few briquettes just as I go to bed, I find that these are usually warm enough in the morning to relight a log quite easily.In essence I have to concur with many of the comments for this stove on the site and strongly recommend.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Advice What size fire rope should I buy

    Mark Duffy 13 years ago

    Not a comment, just looking for some advice.\n\nWhat width rope do I need to replace the door seal\n\nThanks\n\nMark\n\n

    Stove expert replied: This is a trade secret for manufacturers, a good spares ordering company is: http://www.stovespares.co.uk/

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

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