Country Kiln 5 Woodburning stove

Country Kiln 5 is available as a multifuel and as a woodburning stove.
The stove is cast iron and has a maximum output of 7.5kW
Most Recent Review
Country Kiln 5
Had this stove for two years. Perfect. Heats our entire bungalow and has been superb value for money. Cannot understand the poor review on here. I find that the airwash system works well butStove expert replied: Do not used any wood with a moisture content of more than 20% as this can lead to chimney problems, get a moisture meter to make sure of the moisture content.
Most Popular Review
not good at all
I strongly recommend that nobody buys this stove it produces no heat output whatsoever.We thought we were getting a good quality stove after going to Country Kiln showroom (somebody's garageStove expert replied: If you are getting smoke back into the room on opening the door there meay be something that can be done to improve the performance of this stove. It may be worth you discussing with other installers to see if improvements can be made. Have you other chimnies in the house? What is the height of the chimney? What size is the chimney? Is it lined? There are many factors than can affect the way the stove performs and more often than not it is to do with the installation. Worth investigating further.