
Review of Coalbrookdale Darby stove

beautiful, but not as efficient as newer stoves (backboiler)

William Wells 11 years ago

This stove has been a life saver! it really is a beautiful stove. Although... We try to run 10 radiators from the stove but struggle it's better on 5.

in a large lounge it doesn't produce as much heat as we would like. We are currently looking to change this stove as we find that others have more modern stoves and use much less logs and warm more radiators. Approx 10 friends of ours all run stoves with back boilers, ours is the most fabulous looking but least effective, even though others have the same kw output stated ours seems to struggle much more, and we have a lot more ash left than others also. Just thought I would mention as every comment I've seen doesn't mention it struggling with heating as ours does. I will be buying a 16kw+ newer stove to help try to heat our house, lets hope I don't regret getting rid of our Darby!

Stove expert replied: Before purchasing a replacement ensure that you get the heating system re-calculated so that you will not be disappointed, this stove may not be large enough for the system it is supplying. If you find that the room in which the boiler is installed does not get hot enough, consider having a radiator in there for back up, have a thermostatic radiator valve on it so that it will only work when required or if the temperature in the room is not high enough. It may be worth looking at the fuel used as they vary greatly and an alternative may be more effective in producing the necessary heat. Is the chimney lined? This can make a vast difference also.

Overall rating:

4 flames

Build Quality 5 flames (avg 5)
Quality of finish 5 flames (avg 5)
Value for money 5 flames (avg 4.6)
Ease of use 4 flames (avg 4.2)
Ease of lighting 4 flames (avg 4.2)
Firebox size 5 flames (avg 4.6)
How well does the airwash work 2.5 flames (avg 2.6)
Controllability 2.5 flames (avg 4.1)
Handle operation 2.5 flames (avg 4.5)
How likely are you to buy it again? 3 flames (avg 4.5)
What is your overall satisfaction? 3.5 flames (avg 4.9)
  • Thomas Mulvenna said 11 years ago:

    if you do get rid of it let me know!! i have been looking to buy one for a while. Thomas

  • Thomas Mulvenna said 11 years ago:

    hi there! If you decide to get rid of your Darby and havent done so yet please let me know as i have been looking for one for a while now.. thomasmulvenna@googlemail.com Thomas