
Review of Clearview Pioneer 400 stove

Fantastic stove, buy one, part 2

Jonathan Stuart 15 years ago

In my review I scored everything as 5 but put Value for Money as 4. I have just replaced a fireplace with a wood burner but bought a Stovax because the Clearview was too tall and I didn't want to move the fireplace lintel. I now know the difference in performance between a £600 stove and a Clearview and the extra money for a Clearview is well worth it. I am amazed at how much less controlable the Stovax is and that the airwash is inferior. Now I know this I rate the Clearview's value for money as 5 and wished that I could have fitted a Clearview here too.


Stove expert replied: Clearviews are very good stoves and, like Morso customers, Clearview customers are usually very happy with their stoves. There are still stoves on the market that will give you a similar performance for a lower price tag.

Overall rating:

5 flames

Build Quality 5 flames (avg 4.7)
Quality of finish 5 flames (avg 4.7)
Value for money 5 flames (avg 4.3)
Ease of use 5 flames (avg 4.6)
Ease of lighting 5 flames (avg 4.6)
Firebox size 5 flames (avg 4.2)
How well does the airwash work 5 flames (avg 4.6)
Controllability 5 flames (avg 4.5)
Handle operation 5 flames (avg 4.2)
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames (avg 4.5)
What is your overall satisfaction? 5 flames (avg 4.5)