Aga Much Wenlock stove

- Height: 700mm
- Width: 550mm
- Depth: 480mm
- Flue Diameter: 150mm
- Fuel: Multifuel
- Nominal Heat Output: 5.5kW
- Efficiency: 77.3%
Most Recent Review
Aga much wenlock - hot smell
When I make a big fire the stove gives out a ''hot smell''.How can I stop this from happening? It only does it when I use coal and wood, when burning wood only it dosen't give out the ''hotStove expert replied: Are you using household coal? This burns with a longer flame then smokeless fuel or wood and will expose the internal parts to higher than normal temperatures and may be what has caused the smell. By a big fire do you mean lots and fuel with all vents open fully - the vents should only be allowed to be open fully for short periods of say 15 - 20 mins otherwise there is potential to over draw the stove and again this may be the cause of the hot smell. It is difficult to be exact to what is causing this as hot smells will occur when the stove has got hotter than on previous occasions but should be temporary and should not reoccur unless another factor is the cause. Do check the flue system to make sure that there is no combustible materials in close proximity.
Most Popular Review
My biggest waste of money yet
So very disappointed with this stove and the total lack of knowledge or even care with their customer service.It does look nice, this sucked me in. I cannot get any control over the burningStove expert replied: Sounds as if there may be a problem with the installation if stove uncontrollable. First thing to check is that the door seals are working (try shutting a piece of paper between the door and the body of the stove, if it can be pulled out then the door needs adjustment or the rope needs replacing. It may be an over-drawing flue system which your installer should be able to help with. Worth investigating sooner to ensure no damage to the stove occurs.
More reviews for Aga Much Wenlock stove
We definitely made the right choice
Picking a stove was one of the longest decisions I have ever made, trawling back and forth comparing stove size and firebox size. This one, we felt best suited our fireplace and requirementsStove expert replied: Please note that self installations can be undertaken but should then be signed off by the local Building Control Office or a Hetas Engineer to ensure conformity of the current regulations. People are quick to write negative reviews but less keen on positive ones so it is good to hear that you proceeded with this purchase even though negative remarks had been made.
Pretty stove. Good overall. Some niggles.
Having read some of the other reviews of the Much Wenlock, I'm surprised to hear that other users have experienced problems. Our unit has been trouble free and we are pleased with it as a purchase -
We have used woodburning stoves for the past 15 years to heat our lounge. We installed the Much Wenlock 3 years ago, chosen based on the name and reputation. Our old stove, a French Godin cylindricalStove expert replied: Is there plenty of clearance around the stove to allow the heat to radiate freely? Is there an air brick in the room?
New model very disappointing
Compared to the Coalbrookdale Much Wenlock, Aga 's version can't hold a match to it,( bad pun!)The steel insert restricts the size of wood you intend to use.The riddling plate is neither use -
Best purchase ever
I've had mine now for about 6 months and must admit to being more than satisfied. We spent months deciding on which stove would be suitable for us but in the end we were drawn by the brand image