
Review of Aga Ludlow stove

Does a great job to begin with but does not last

Kimberley Lee-Grice 4 years ago

I have had my Aga stove for less than 5 years and in the beginning was a great stove. Last winter the handle that drops the ash through the plate completely broke and I don't know whether I was unlucky and it was just poorly welded but I chose the fire as it was not cheap I thought it would last but to get the hot ash through now is a nightmare and I doubt I can repair it - looks like a new fire will be required!

Stove expert replied: I would suggest that you contact your supplier to see if a replacement part can be purchased before replacing the stove. Many parts are available as they can require replacing over time. 5 years wear and tear is not unreasonable for a moving part, they do often last longer of-course.

Overall rating:

3.5 flames

Build Quality 2 flames (avg 4.6)
Quality of finish 3 flames (avg 4.7)
Value for money 2 flames (avg 4.2)
Ease of use 4 flames (avg 4.3)
Ease of lighting 4 flames (avg 4.5)
Firebox size 4 flames (avg 4.1)
How well does the airwash work 4 flames (avg 3.8)
Controllability 4 flames (avg 4)
Handle operation 5 flames (avg 4.3)
How likely are you to buy it again? 1 flames (avg 3.8)
What is your overall satisfaction? 3 flames (avg 4.1)