
Aduro 9 stove

Overall Rating:

3.5 flames

based on 5 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Aduro 9 stove

The Aduro 9 is a Scandinavian contemporary wood burning stove.

It is a tall curved stove with 1 curved glass panel at the front and 2 smaller glass panels at the sides.

This means you can view the fire from the sides as well as from the front.

The log length is 390mm.

Technical Data
  • Height: 958mm
  • Width: 500mm
  • Depth: 447mm
  • Flue Diameter: 150mm
  • Fuel: Woodburning
  • Nominal Heat Output: 6kW
  • Efficiency: 81.3%

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 3.5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 3.5 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 3.5 flames
Controllability 3.5 flames
Handle operation 4.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 3 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 3 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Difficulty controlling burn rate.

    Jim Davidson 7 years ago

    My Aduro 9-3 was installed just over a year ago. 6 weeks ago while it was alight, I heard a noise which I thought to be a log settling. Immediately the fire began to burn furiously and only
    the application of all dampers managed to slow it down somewhat. When I was able to investigate, I noticed a flexible fire-rated tube dangling from the top inside, which fell into the ash almost as soon as I opened the door. Said tube obviously has something to do with the burn rate but its impossible to refix it, even if you knew where to. Having taken the stove apart from the top as far as I could go, I was confronted with the innermost ''ceiling'' which is welded to the sides. The stove continues to burn through logs at an alarming rate and the dampers barely make a difference.

    Stove expert replied: Aduro have responded to your inquiry with: Most probably, since there is a piece of the chimney liner in the fireplace, something must have happened up in the chimney, creating this situation. From what I can tell it looks like there is too much draft, perhaps the stove was fitted with a moderator or a damper that is now not active/damaged/open all the way. The problem doesn’t seem to be related with the stove in any way. The best recommendation is to call back the Hetas registered installer that originally fitted it.

    Overall rating:

    3 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Great stove but has some querks

    William Reeve 12 years ago

    Great working stove but there are some flaws that ADURO needs to resolve. It is very easy to light and control. The auto draft control works really well. Some things to be aware of. The "Aduro
    KEY" used to keep the auto draft control open when heating the box to temperature, has razor sharp edges on it from machine cutting. You can easily cut your fingers with it unless you spend 15 minutes filing the edges. They need to put the key in a tumbler to remove the burrs at the factory. The door latches top and bottom are driven by a single shaft. IT WORKS GREAT BUT IT SQUAKS LIKE A FEMALE TURKEY EVERY TIME YOU OPEN IT. I wrapped the upper and lower part of the shaft with fire proof rope and it worked for a while but is now chirping again. The air wash and manifolds work really well at 6KW burn but if you want to control the burn to 3-4 KW by secondary (top) dampers the side windows will be black very soon and front dirty brown. I don't mind this because we have a smaller space and can't run it at 6KW OR WE ALL COOK. The stove radiates heat by convection out top plate and forward through glass extremely well. All in all I recommend it well but you need to have more than 100 CM space to operate it and breathing room from sitting area. Very nicely designed "oil drum" :)

    Stove expert replied: A stove should not be operated in a shut down position for prolonged periods with out short periods of fast burn, this insures that tar residues are burnt off and do not collect in the flue system.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

More reviews for Aduro 9 stove

  • Aduro 9 air

    8 years ago

    I've had this stove fitted and working for about six months now and it is my first woodturner. I bought it along with the Aduro air kit.Overall i recommend it but i have had some issues.Firstly
    , drilling the wall for the air supply pipe (I didn't fit the actual fire) I could tell that the 130mm dia. pipe was not going to fit using a 127mm core drill but after a few phone calls was assured the drill was the correct size- it wasn't and I had to enlarge the hole with a mini grinder inside the hole- a real PITA and messy. The next drill size up would have been too big for the inner wall plate so don't know what the answer is there.The next problem was with the Aduro-tronic lever catch on the front under the door. It just slides backwards and forwards and has a horizontal flat plate on the other end that covers the incoming air slot and when it is pulled out fully there is a spring loaded plunger that gradually pushes it back so that the incoming air is reduced. The lever on mine was so stiff that to move it required a few smacks with a rubber mallet and a spring loaded plunger didn't have a hope in hell of shifting it. I got an email back from Aduro saying that the bolts that hold the aduro-tronic plate to the underside of the body were too tight to let it move and it was an easy fix to loosen them off Well I took the bolts out and there was nothing holding it in place and it still wouldn't move. I removed the bottom drawer and took the whole mechanism out and found that the plate on the end of the lever which covers the incoming air duct was such a tight fit in the slot that it wouldn't let the lever move.I had to ram the thing in and out for half an hour until I was happy it had worn enough of the edges off to move freely enough to work.This obviously hadn't been checked at the factory before crating up/ or it was let through as it was.The only other thing I am not too happy with is the paint finish- this is no Porsche paint job that's for sure , but like I said at the start, this is my first woodburner and I have nothing to base a comparison on-but. We had a ceiling leak and a bit of water dripped onto the top plate and caused a discoloured patch on the paintwork, This was rubbed down lightly then re-sprayed- which my fitter did. He had masked the fire and flue so that he could just spray the top of the fire. The problem came when he removed the masking tape from around the top of the door and side panels as this pulled some of the original paint finish off. The fire had been used a fair bit at this point so the paint was cured and the tape he used was low tack and the same he used on every fire, and he had never had this happen before.When you pull the bottom drawer out, a lot of the inside paint on the drawer base is flaking off, and although you can't see it, it just gives the impression of a poor paint job.The positives with this fire are definitely its looks and its heat output.We have ours in the corner of a modern kitchen extension and it looks great. The room is approx 8m x 5m with a vaulted ceiling and after a couple of hours the room is bouncing. Before this we had three radiators that couldn't touch the room, even after several hours with the boiler going full chat. It has transformed the room in winter and we now stay in it much more than previously.Knowing as I do now what this woodturner has done for the feel of our kitchen/diner and how happy I am with its function, I do recommend it- with the above observations, but if I were to do it again would I spend the extra money and go with a soapstone Heta of a similar design..maybe!
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Aduro 9 air for a well insulated house

    8 years ago

    We moved into our brand new house in 2015 and wanted a log burner. We chose this one as being suitable for a well insulated, centrally heated house and at a competitive price. We were not disappointed
    with our choice and it looks great in our lounge. We operated it with very small fires and have had no issue with it. However, the strong winds of this winter have drawn our attention to one thing. The pipe which supplies the stove to the outside air, also supplies the air to our room! There is no connection of the fresh air pipe to the stove! Checked the Aduro website to see if their fitting instructions could shed any light on what we think is an error on the part of our installers. Lo and behold, it''s been fitted as per Aduro''s diagram! Aduro haven''t yet got back to me with their comments. I am still waiting. So, watch out if you choose this stove, you will need to chat about this with your installer. I can''t believe that our installer didn''t realise the problem that would occur in the winter ( stove was installed on a hot June day!)

    Stove expert replied: Direct air models of the Aduro 9 stove allows for connection onto the stove either through the base or at the back and will prevent cooling of the room. The standard Aduro 9 stove does not have this facility.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • lacker

    Marike Egmond 9 years ago

    After only one month the lacker comes off above the adurotronic lid. For that price we did not expect the body was just painted.
    Overall rating:

    3 flames