
Stovax View 8 stove

Overall Rating:

3 flames

based on 5 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Stovax View 8 stove

The Stovax View 8 is an 8 Kw wood-burning or multi-fuel stove which is okay in a smokeless zone with a smoke control fitted.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 3.5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 2.5 flames
Ease of use 2.5 flames
Ease of lighting 2.5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 2.5 flames
Controllability 2.5 flames
Handle operation 3.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 2.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 2 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Storax view 8

    8 years ago

    Had this multi fuel burner installed about 15mths ago.Gives out plenty of heat but cannot get burner to shut down so logs just smoulder. Need coal for overnight burning. Other than the problem
    above we are very happy with the performance.

    Stove expert replied: It might pay to get a flue draw test taken to make sure that it is not in excess of what is required by the manufacturer.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • My Stove

    Kathleen O'Grady 12 years ago

    This stove was absolutely useless. No heat to room and takes ages to heat water. As well as all this, it uses a colossal amount of fuel. I lit a fire to roast a pig many times without any
    success. It looked great - picture postcard great! However, after paying €1600 for the stove, I feel it was the most expensive ornament I ever purchased. It is due to go back to the supplier next week.

    Stove expert replied: If a stove uuses a great deal of fuel but is nor producing much heat it may be the flue that is causing the problem as the draw may be excessive. This means that the stove works hard, the heat is drawn up the flue before it can radiate into the room. This can be corrected, speak to a flue specialist.

    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames

More reviews for Stovax View 8 stove

  • View 8 HB

    8 years ago

    Very little heat goes to room so what's the point of having it ? If I wanted all the heat to go to the upstairs rads I'd switch on the Central Heating. The PRIMARY function should be to heat
    the room it sits in - not pump heat through noisy pipes and clanking valves around your house. Don't bother

    Stove expert replied: The split between the room heat and water are clearly stated and perhaps a radiator should have been installed in the room for the extra heat that you require and will depend on the room size. It may be a case of the system needing rebalancing. 4.9kW average heat to room is achievable depending on the fuel being used, how much fuel you put on and making sure the controls are set correctly. Was the system designed and calculated by a heating engineer? It might not be the stove at fault for the lack of heat being generated.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

  • Stovax veiw 8HB

    Mark Derrick 10 years ago

    Had my boiler stove installed for 2 years now , it's linked up to a " heating innovations " H2 control panel House is early 2000 build with double glazing , around 900mm of loft installation
    installed , 4 beds , 16 rads installed plus 300 lt hot water tank Net result is no gas bill for winter use over the last 2 year The stove gives around 8kw of heat to water , which is a little less than the total heat lose of the house , hence 900mm of loft insulation Heat to room is a little to much but air controls dampen down well Having read other comments my view is poles apart The stove must be sized to suit the heating load , to big a heating load will result in slow to heat up water , or lack of heat ... I run my stove on a setting of 58 degs , as per H2 panel installation details , hot water tank is set to 55 degs , 2 heat leak radiators fitted , 28 mm flow and return to boiler The only issues I have had was during " testing " the main pump failed , replace pump with better one and works a treat

    Stove expert replied: Always get the heat load of the system calculated before purchasing a boiler, it is not worth taking the risk of a stove that can't provide you with the heat required!

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Stovax CL8HB

    William O 11 years ago

    Agree with previous respondent, this unit is very disappointing. Stovax blame installer, installer blames Stovax - either way we have a lump of metal ( cold ) doing nothing more than throw heat
    up the chimney as there is not enough draw to get it going - then not enough control over the airflow to damp it down. Engineers visit concurred with my opinion as he couldn't get it going...asked for money back

    Stove expert replied: I would suggest that you get a flue expert to advise you further as not having enough air / then having too much air seems to indicate that that installation is at fault. Nothing changes with the stove but the weather conditions vary and seems to be affecting the stove quite dramatically.

    Overall rating:

    1 flames