
Review of Stovax Brunel 2cb stove

enamel failure

Elaine Baguley 11 years ago

I'm afraid I cannot recommend. The enamel on my stove seems very brittle and easily damaged and now a large area on the lid has cracked and is flaking off despite relatively light usage. I am not sure if this is just a poor example but beware as it certainly detracts from the appearance.

Stove expert replied: What a shame, how old is the stove? There is a 5year warranty on Stovax Stoves, have you made a warranty claim?

Overall rating:

2.5 flames

Build Quality 2.5 flames (avg 3.6)
Quality of finish 0.5 flames (avg 3.4)
Value for money 0.5 flames (avg 2.7)
Ease of use 3.5 flames (avg 4.1)
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames (avg 4)
Firebox size 3.5 flames (avg 3.9)
How well does the airwash work 4 flames (avg 3.7)
Controllability 2.5 flames (avg 3.7)
Handle operation 4 flames (avg 3.7)
How likely are you to buy it again? 0.5 flames (avg 2.1)
What is your overall satisfaction? 0.5 flames (avg 2.6)
  • Elaine Baguley said 11 years ago:

    Sorry to disagree but Stovax only offer a 2 year warranty,somewhat surprising on an item this expensive.They suggest buying a replacement top for the stove which seems very unsatisfactory and really will not help further.