
Saltfire ST2

Overall Rating:

4.5 flames

based on 2 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Saltfire ST2

A new model from Saltfire with a large viewing window and very low maintenance.

Technical Data
  • Height: 540mm
  • Width: 414mm
  • Depth: 350mm
  • Flue Diameter: 125mm
  • Fuel: Multifuel
  • Nominal Heat Output: 5kW
  • Efficiency: 81.3%

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 5 flames
Ease of use 5 flames
Ease of lighting 5 flames
Firebox size 5 flames
How well does the airwash work 3.5 flames
Controllability 5 flames
Handle operation 3.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • great value and looks cool!

    Bryony Stott 7 years ago

    We''ve had this stove a couple of weeks and I''m pretty pleased with it. Very easy to light, very quick to heat up (as judged by how quickly the ecofan starts turning compared to our Charnwood
    C4) and the firebox and window are very generous for the size of stove. Has three means to adjust airflow so very controllable. I also think it looks as stylish as more expensive stoves. I can''t award it five stars though due to one really annoying feature, the ashtray is tiny! If you light the fire for more than a few hours the ash will start falling out of the stove every time you open the door. Which is rubbish compared to our other stove that you can keep going for days before cleaning out the ash. Also the airflow to keep the glass clear is not great, you have to have the stove blazing at maximum to start burning off the soot on the window. Overall, I''d say this is a great stove if you just want a quick fire in the evening but maybe not if you want a fire going all day every day.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Saltfire ST2 multifuel stove

    Sylvia Sowerby 9 years ago

    This is a fantastic stove which throws heat out and is very adjustable. It lights in a few seconds with one firelighter and a bit of kindling. Ours is freestanding 5 KW multifuel. The burn technology
    gives a beautiful flame. The Saltfire Stoves supplier was great to deal with and all the staff are very knowledgeable and helpful.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames