
Riva 66 Multi-fuel Fire

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 24 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Riva 66 Multi-fuel Fire
The Riva 66 multi fuel stove has a riddling grate and separate ash door. The firebox has a maximum log length of 450mm. There is an optional fan - assisted convection kit which increases warm air to circulate into the room, and an extra ducting system which can divert the warm air into alternative areas.
Technical Data
  • Height: 599mm
  • Width: 742mm
  • Depth: 395mm
  • Flue Diameter: 150mm
  • Fuel: Multifuel
  • Nominal Heat Output: 8kW
  • Efficiency: 80%

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 4 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 4.5 flames
Handle operation 4 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Plaster cracking

    Mark Rose 4 years ago

    We have had this stove fitted over 2 years and have been impressed with the heat output compared to our previous 5kw stand alone stove we had in our previous home. Only regret is not having
    the two accessories fitted at same time of installation, that's the fan and hot air ducting to another room. I've just asked my stove fitter if he can return to fit the fan as I'm hopping it could help distribute some of the heat away from the stove as the heat build up above is causing the plaster to crack on the chimney breast. We are now thinking of putting Split Face tiling on the breast rather than the heat resistant plaster as a more permanent fix.
    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • One winter on and looking good

    Jude 11 years ago

    After a winter of running the stove I wanted to update my review. My concerns about the flimsy handle proved unfounded - It's still working just fine. Ducting system working well and we haven
    't used the gas central heating at all. I get up at 5am and the house is still warm from the previous evening despite sub zero outside temperatures. Stove still looks excellent. I can't get it to stay alight overnight using only wood but a few coals do the trick. We have a good supply of wood and since investing in a Fiskars x 27 splitting axe, we're having no trouble keeping it fuelled. I cannot fault the stove.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Riva 66 Multi-fuel Fire (page 1 of 3)

  • Five Years on and still happy

    8 years ago

    Stove running for five years now with no problems. Stove outer looks as good as new. The grate is now a little warped and a couple of the firebricks are cracked so we will need spare parts this
    year for the first time. Both of us are working full time and we can split enough logs to feed it. If I bought this stove again I would have a single duct outlet instead of two outlets so heat is pushed into all the upper rooms (instead of some vents acting as a return path making those rooms slightly cooler (though still quite warm) otherwise it is perfect for our needs
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • riva storm

    8 years ago

    Had this fire 5 years, love it. Only problem I have is the trim has gotten discolored with the smoke. How can I clean this effectively or can it be repainted?

    Stove expert replied: You can buy paint to respray the trim if the discolouration does not clean off. Is it where you open the door to refuel the stove (Just top centre)? Have you an air brick in the room to ensure there is enough free air for complete combustion?

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Craving wall

    Celia Pearson 9 years ago

    We have had our stove for 6 years and have never had to replace a part. I do find that we need to keep the door open slightly to get the draw and stop smoke build up whilst lighting and in the
    morning the glass is quite black usually- occasionally with tar which is harder to remove with kitchen roll water and fine ash.Our biggest problem is cracks in the plaster work- the worst in the centre above the fire surround. We had the wall plastered originally with the heat proof plaster and we still had this cracking. This last autumn we had the wall redone as it looked a mess and much too our dismay the same problem has occurred. The wall does get very hot just above the fire which is possibly the major issue. Would appreciate suggestions. We have considered tiling the wall.
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Great stove but needs a lot of maintenance.

    Jennifer Smith 9 years ago

    We have had this cassette fire for more than 8 years. We only burn dry, well seasoned logs. The fire itself is amazing - gives out loads of heat, starts easily and looks wonderful. The major
    problem we have found is with the metal on the door and the main frame. After just one year it had rusted badly and needed treatment and repainting. We reported this to Stovax and were told that it was rusting because it was operating at a high temperature (well it is a fire!) This has become an annual maintenance chore of de-rusting and repainting. I would recommend the fire for its function and looks but not for the amount of maintenance it requires to keep it looking good.
    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • stovax riva 66

    Al Langheld 11 years ago

    Have had the stove 4 years and its great. Massive savings on heating bills. No fault with stove and no replacement parts needed, I do however burn only seasoned firewood and burn modest sized
    fires. Two family members have since installed the same and appear to be suitably satisfied. I think many people over fire their stoves and burn the wrong / wet fuel.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Good stove

    William Winstone 11 years ago

    We've had this stove for around 8 years, and its been very hot and burns very well.No problems with the baffles. However its always been a bit smokey when opening the door to refuel. We don'
    t have a flue liner which may contribute to this; the smoke goes straight into the chimney. So I'm looking at either fitting a full flue liner, or small length of rigid flue off the stove which should heat and help draw better. Any thoughts?

    Stove expert replied: A flue liner should help with the smoke issue and is recommended in older flues or ones that are larger than 12 inch square 9incs diam.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Would like to spray Storm colour to Black

    Val Spearman 12 years ago

    We were very pleased with the wood burner. It throws out a lot of heat and keeps us warm. Downside: It has cracked the chimney breast, we have repeatedly replastered but it happens time and
    time again. It looks a mess and spoils the whole look of the thing. We purchased the 'Storm' colour which is difficult to keep clean. We were told by our dealer, that on this particular model the manufacturer realized it could not be cleaned and this would be addressed on future models. That doesn't solve our problem. We would like to spray this black but our dealer wants quite a lot of money to do this. Has anyone had a go at doing it themselves with the Stovax black paint?

    Stove expert replied: Might be worth trying: HEAT RESISTANT PLASTER 20kg High temperature smooth finish. Protection up to 500°C For use on walls & chimney breasts, hole in the wall fires adjacent to: Inserts stoves, freestanding stoves and range cookers. WHAT IS HEAT RESISTANT PLASTER? Heat Resistant Plaster is a replacement material for gypsum plaster where the temperatures are too high for gypsum plaster to stay on the wall. Heat Resistant Plaster is a fully blended fine powdered material which is mixed with water to a trowelling / floating consistency. WHERE TO USE HEAT RESISTANT PLASTER? On walls and chimney breasts where the temperature is likely to exceed 50°C particularly around the so-called “hole in the wall” type fires and stoves. It is recommended that the plaster is used in combination with HeatProof Screed. HOW TO USE HEAT RESISTANT PLASTER. Remove all traces of old screed and plaster on the wall or part of wall to be treated. Prepare the area by coating with PVA (as is usual for plastering). Re screed using Heat Proof Screed prior to applying Heat Resistant Plaster. Mix the plaster with water using a mixer drill attachment, it is not possible to mix properly by hand. Allow about 10 minutes to get the material onto the wall and about an hour subsequently for floating. Leave three days to dry naturally before any heat is applied. COVERAGE: 20kg tub will cover approximately 2m2(21 ft2) at a thickness of 6mm (1/4”)

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • Excellent central heating system

    Jude 12 years ago

    Installed with ducting in a well insulated house. We used insulated ducting and stainless steel adjustable vent outlets. We are using the same quantity of wood as on the open fire it replaced
    . Stove is on for about 3 hours in the evening and the house is warm enough not to need morning heating. Extra heat can be pushed into the furthest room by partially closing some of the vents. The vents can get hot so worth cutting back carpets if needed - we fitted steel plate to spread the heat. I estimate that it will save us at least £300 in heating bills per year for an installation cost of £5000 so earning us equivalent of 6% interest. To date we are very pleased. The handle fixing seems a bit flimsy but that's my only complaint. Occasionally the two convection paths merge and form one big path (half the vents act as inlets). This can be fixed by closing off the other vents for a few minutes and then re-opening them although it makes no real difference to the overall heat output. We bought the fan kit but found we didn't need it. Also unlike other central heating this still works during a power cut

    Stove expert replied: Good feedback.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

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