
Newton 5

Overall Rating:

4.5 flames

based on 1 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Newton 5

Stylish and contemporary woodburning stoves with elegant design and high efficiency. Crafted in a variety of finishes including six vitreous enamal colours.

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 5 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 5 flames
Ease of use 5 flames
Ease of lighting 5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 5 flames
Handle operation 4 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 5 flames
  • Fabulous stove

    Mike Patrick 9 years ago

    We have had this multifuel stove for a few months and have burnt both wood and smokeless fuel.Very sturdy construction and solid closing action - the handle and bottom vent are very well made
    .We have the standard matt black finish which is hard wearing. However the casting of the top plate is a little rough on the front edge.We paid £660 for the DEFRA version which I feel is great value for money.The stove lights well as long as plenty of dry sticks are used along with progressively bigger logs - once up to temperature anything will ignite.The firebox cannot comfortably hold anything bigger than an 8 inch log, but is plenty big enough to heat our 4x4mtr room with doors open into adjoining rooms and open staircase.The airwash keeps the glass reasonably clear when burning wood. Sooting is more noticeable when burning smokeless, bit clears with a hot burn with wood.Controlling the stove is easy - with wood we leave the top airwash fully open. With smokeless the top airvent is fully closed (still let's air in) and the bottom vent 1/2 turn from closed to maintain a constant temp of 24'c.The handle is a dream to use, being metal gets hot so use your glove once going!The stove is very well made and I would recommend to anyone as a mid-high priced DEFRA stove.Extended burn times with smokeless are possible for around 12 hours but it does soot the glass so be sure to run a hot fire the day after. Creates very little ash when burning wood meaning almost a week before emptying the little ash pan. However smokeless requires daily emptying.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames