
Nectre Baker’s Oven

Overall Rating:

3 flames

based on 3 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Nectre Baker’s Oven
Technical Data
  • Height: 865mm
  • Depth: 535mm
  • Nominal Heat Output: 10.6kW
  • Efficiency: 77.3%

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4 flames
Quality of finish 4 flames
Value for money 3 flames
Ease of use 2.5 flames
Ease of lighting 3 flames
Firebox size 3 flames
How well does the airwash work 2.5 flames
Controllability 3 flames
Handle operation 2.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 2.5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 2.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Not quite convinced (yet)..

    John Loss 7 years ago

    Recently replaced our wood heater with this unit, which we've had for a month now and I'm a bit disappointed. You have to leave the door open a fraction to get a proper air boost to the fire
    when lighting or reviving (no big deal but the bottom vents are too small). Lots of smoke can escape into the room while topping up the wood unless you re-set the vents to full-draw before doing so. Adding wood is a bit precarious as there is very little lip at the bottom of the fire box. Does''t bake bread as well as an electric oven. It's fine for slow cooking, but requires a long boost time and a lot of wood to get to temperature to bake and the handles get very hot. It's the first wood-fired oven I've used, so maybe that's normal? Overall room heating is fine. Maybe my expectations were too high. Hoping to get better results with practice.

    Stove expert replied: Do get the flue draw checked to insure that this meets the manufacturers guidance. Perhaps an air vent in to room may help (depending on output of the stove and insulation of the property etc as there may not be adequate free air to enable full combustion to occur, hence the smoke coming back when re-loading). Any wood being used should be dry and seasoned with a moisture content of less than 20%.

    Overall rating:

    2.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Great stove, super heat and good for cooking and baking

    8 years ago

    We wanted a stove with a useful oven and the cook surface on top was an added bonus. Having the fire in the top compartment is lovely because it can be seen. When going, this stove easily
    heats a three room space that only had one radiator (previous owner''s set up). The floor of the stove compartment sits below the door so its easy to have an ash bed of 1-2 inches. It does need to be cleaned out through the door but we have not found that a problem. We find the one adjustable air control is easier to work than our Dovre 250. The stove compartment is big so wood of all sizes fits well. We've used the oven only a bit as we're still learning to control the temperature using the damper. It does need a lot of air when starting up and we have a window open for the first five minutes usually. We've only had it one winter and it saw a lot of use but no issues with the finish so far. the handles do get hot when the stove is really going full out, especially the damper control located on the top. All in all, we are super pleased with this stove!!
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

More reviews for Nectre Baker’s Oven

  • nectre big bakers oven

    8 years ago

    I was initially really excited to receive my Nectre big Bakers oven .But after using it [or at least trying too} for the past couple of months my initial excitement has turned to disappointment
    .Firstly , for a stove of the size the fire box is surprisingly small, we have found it impossible to achieve the claimed 8-10 hour burn time , even with the hardest of woods.And with such a small box you are forced to constantly maintain the fire by refuelling resulting in an unacceptable amount of smoke in your living space , its also a very dirty stove to use because of this reason.and you will find that the shallow fire box inadvertently means that logs will roll onto the stove door making re fuelling even more dirty - fun.We have also found the claims of heating a 2000 sq ft place also a little exaggerated.. maybe if you set and alarm to wake you every hour through to night to re stoke and keep the dampers open..resulting in a disproportional amount of wood needing to be burnt..It cooks ok but the unit is more of an expensive decorative piece rather than a practical sole heating unit .in short Avoid due to high price
    Overall rating:

    1.5 flames