
Large Country Franklin stove

Overall Rating:

3.5 flames

based on 4 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Large Country Franklin stove

The Large Country Franklin stove has an 11kw output - the output will be highest with the doors shut.

You can also run the stove with the 2 doors open - they will fold back against the side of the stove leaving the big firebox in full view.

This traditional stove design has been reproduced by several other manufactuers too.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 3.5 flames
Quality of finish 3.5 flames
Value for money 4 flames
Ease of use 4 flames
Ease of lighting 4 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 2 flames
Controllability 2.5 flames
Handle operation 3 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames

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  • Franklin

    Andy McGuire 16 years ago

    There seem to be a number of manufactures of these things. I found mine to be a bit on the poor side. There were no seals on the doors which made control a bit of a hit and miss affair. Nice
    when the doors are open and it does kick out a bit of heat but wouldn't be a choice of mine in future.
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

More reviews for Large Country Franklin stove

  • Franklin Stove a lovely open fire

    Paula O'Brien 10 years ago

    I have a Franklin Stove for the last eight years and it is like an open fire which is the reason I bought it.The baffle behind the fire has cracked and I would like to know if anyone knows
    where I can buy this part of the stove.

    Stove expert replied: There are severel spares companies that should be able to get a replacement part fot you or go back to where you purchased the stove from.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

  • franklin

    Mitzi 15 years ago

    I loved the look of this stove and wanted one that I could burn with the doors open. I was so disappointed when the fire arrived and was installed, the fire is very tinny, there are gaps everywhere
    that let air in so it cannot be turned down. As above there was no seals around the doors, so really the fire cannot be controlled it does its own thing. I still love the look of it but am very disappointed and cross as it cost a lot of money.

    Stove expert replied: these Franklin stoves are not efficient, well sealed, modern woodburners. What they are is a cross between an open fire and a stove - you get to run them with the doors open, but at least they are that bit more efficient than an open fire. If you were to buy one expecting a 'posh' modern stove then I would not be surprised to find you disappointed.

    Overall rating:

    2 flames