
Firestorm 6.5kw stove

Overall Rating:

5 flames

based on 4 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Firestorm 6.5kw stove

The window size of the Firestorm 6.5kw stove is 420 x 260mm. An optional pedestal and plinth are available.

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 5 flames
Quality of finish 5 flames
Value for money 5 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 5 flames
Firebox size 5 flames
How well does the airwash work 3.5 flames
Controllability 4.5 flames
Handle operation 4.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 5 flames

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More reviews for Firestorm 6.5kw stove

  • 10 /10 for looks with great heat output

    Denis Harrison 10 years ago

    A truly fantastic looking stove it really has the WOW factor. Owned this stove for 3 years now. Looked around for ages for a stove. Couldn't make my mind up cast or steel construction. The
    moment I saw this stove, I knew it was the one for me.The large picture window and the stainless fittings stood this stove head and shoulders above any stove I had seen. When this stove is in full flight it is really hypnotic to watch, don't need the TV on. Easy to light, control,and clean out. It has an adjustable latch which is very handy, haven't had to adjust yet, but nice to know I can if necessary. Large fire box so will take a large log if I choose. Air wash works great as long as you have a good fire going, glass blackens as the fire dies down, but cleans with no problem just wipe it down with a newspaper.Throws out some heat I use coal ovoids mostly and I find the heat output fantastic. I have a large open lounge 8x 3.50 x3 mtrs and have had it at 28 degrees have to have the doors open.Love this fire!!
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • Just fantastic!

    Debbie Smith 10 years ago

    We have had this stove for about ten months now and we couldn't live without it! Over the winter months it was just gorgeous coming home to a roaring fire. It has made such a difference to the
    room too, it looks great - you don't find many stoves in the colour we have (honey glow brown.) we are over the moon with it!! Recommend it to anyone.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames