
Ecoboiler 16 HE

Overall Rating:

4 flames

based on 8 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Ecoboiler 16 HE
Technical Data
  • Height: 659mm
  • Width: 590mm
  • Depth: 402mm
  • Flue Diameter: 125mm
  • Fuel: Multifuel
  • Efficiency: 70.5%

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 4.5 flames
Quality of finish 4.5 flames
Value for money 4 flames
Ease of use 4 flames
Ease of lighting 4.5 flames
Firebox size 4 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 4 flames
Handle operation 3.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 3.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • fire will not shut down to slow burn over night

    Robert Hutter 9 years ago

    recently purchased the inset version of this multifuel boiler stoked it up with wood shut all vents down by the time morning comes its all burnt to ash also topped it up with coal it did not
    shut right down thus making water cylinder over heat have you any suggestions by the way it is plumbed in to a thermal store tank with full central heating with a heat leak radiator in case of over heating
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

Most Popular Review

  • EB16HE

    Darren Matthews 11 years ago

    Recently installed the Stratford EB16HE Boiler stove and am very disappointed with its performance. No heat to room and doesn't heat the radiators. Not what I expected at all

    Stove expert replied: This has a high output of 16kW's to water and 8kW's to the room. Would recommend that the installation is checked and the fuel used is of good quaity. The heat generated has to be going somewhere providing there is enough fuel in the firrebox so further investigation should be undertaken.

    Overall rating:

    2 flames

More reviews for Ecoboiler 16 HE

  • Poor output to water - not what's wanted from a boiler stove

    Nick Rogers 10 years ago

    Installed 16HE boiler in November and have tried everything to get a decent output to water. Regardless of burning wood or "superheat" smokeless coal, this boiler will only output a maximum
    water temp of 60c. Testing at boiler input and output pipes, when the input is about 35c the output can be 52c, then when the accumulator is returning 52c to the boiler input the max output is only 60c. And nothing will get it to output hotter than 60c, which for radiators is useless. Cold water in the rads mixes with the flow from the accumulators bringing the temp down to 50s and quickly to 40s. A boiler stove should output 80c and this one doesn't.
    Overall rating:

    2 flames

  • Stratford 16he g4 boiler stove

    David McLeod 10 years ago

    We have just installed this stove to replace a hunter 80b boiler stove, the stratford is a much smaller stove and only consumes about half the fuel of the hunter and does the same work efficiently
    domestic hot water and 15 radiators, two small complaints I feel air intake for the air wash is to small and door glass soots up slightly arada could rectify by making slots bigger, other point curved door has two ledges that collect debris apart from these two things an excellent purchase.
    Overall rating:

    4 flames

  • eb 16

    Ceirios Jones 11 years ago

    Very pleased with this boiler, heat to the rads is good. Heating 7 rads easily, but having problems heating the water. Water only gets to hand hot unless I close off the rads. Thermostat control
    is very good to use.

    Stove expert replied: Have you any control on the water that prevents the radiator circuit from coming on until the hot water cylinder is up to 40 degrees as this should help. Speak to your installer regarding this as initial priority of heat should be to the hot water cylinder.

    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • A Stratford Success

    John Clemits 11 years ago

    We are very pleased indeed with our choice of this Stratford stove. It looks good in a natural stone hearth and is very easy to light and operate. We burn both well- seasoned logs and, after
    experimenting with several types of solid fuel, opted for 'Newflame' nuggets which although a bit more expensive than other solid fuels seems to us to be better value for money - the stove burns this fuel to a fine ash. This stove has turned out to be a first class 'burning machine'. It provides lashings of hot water and heats up to six radiators without any difficulty. The air- wash vent is conveniently placed and is easily controlled and keeps the glass in the door reasonably clear. We have found it necessary to fit a thermostatic safety device to our hot water cylinder which turns on the radiators automatically if the hot water in the cylinder gets too hot and overflows from the overflow pipe. The metal door handle does get very hot; perhaps it should have been made of wood or a similar material which does not conduct heat so readily.
    Overall rating:

    4.5 flames

  • Damien Haslett 11 years ago

    Great stove, excellent heat output and produces ample amounts of hot water. Easy to control and clean.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames

  • excellent choice of boiler

    Geoffrey Jarvis 11 years ago

    Start with the positives of the boiler. Very solid and sturdy boiler. Side thermostat and front opening air valve lets you easily light the fire and keep under control. The ash pan is big enough
    not to have to empty all the time. The airwash system works really well when the fire is burning at a very high temperature. The size of the fire is a major plus as we can easily fit 17" logs on to burn. Overnight if we stock up the boiler it lasts about 4 to 5 hrs, then if there is just a tiny bit still burning we just open it up and away it goes. In the winter the fire hardly went out. The boiler easily heats our 3 bedroom house and gives us hot water. The major positive is that I have had no heating bills in just under a year ( I get free timber ).Negative point. We have just two, the first being the handle does get really hot so a fire glove is needed most of the time and the second is that the thermostat is very awkward to access and clean out. But overall the boiler has been a great success.

    Stove expert replied: Ash should be removed on a daily basis and should not be left to build up in the ashpan. Do insure that the wood is dry and seasoned with a moisture content of less than 20%. A stove should be let out on a monthly basis to check that the air ways are clear (drop the baffle down and remove debris off of the top), this is good practise and will allow for maximum efficiency.

    Overall rating:

    5 flames