
Country Kiln 3 stove

Overall Rating:

2 flames

based on 3 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Country Kiln 3 stove

The Country Kiln 3 is a 10kW cast iron, multifuel stove.

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 2 flames
Quality of finish 2 flames
Value for money 2 flames
Ease of use 2.5 flames
Ease of lighting 2.5 flames
Firebox size 3.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 2 flames
Controllability 2 flames
Handle operation 1.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 2 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 2 flames

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  • Country Kiln 3

    Nick 13 years ago

    This is the first stove I have owned, which i bought nearly 3 years ago. Generally my comments are positive towards it. There is nothing wrong with the build quality, although it does not have
    the plush finishing touches that some of the more expensive stoves might have. It has given me good value for money. I think it cost around £400 which is pretty good value. The handle operation is ok. What tends to happen is the pin that connects the inner catch to the external location socket often slips out which is quite frustrating. In terms of its performance, it is difficult to quantify as I have no other experience of other stoves, but i will say that it seems to work very well. I have recently fixed an stove thermometer to the flue, where it easily gets up to optimal operating temperature. The fire box is large - allowing for good foot long lengths of wood to be burned. The paint finish is ok. I can only say that it is chip resistant and has lasted fine so far. I have no issues with countability, with three vents above, and two below. It works best with the bottom ones closed and the top ones open. Finally, I would recommend this manufacturer. It was delivered on time without a problem. The courier was good and lifted it right up our front steps and into the house. I cannot comment on anything in regard to after sales as I have not needed this. As with any stove, it works best using good dry wood.I hope this has been useful.

    Stove expert replied: Glad to hear a stove thermometer has been used, worth the investment to insure that the stove is used correctly.

    Overall rating:

    3.5 flames

More reviews for Country Kiln 3 stove

  • Cracking quickly

    John Fiorino 12 years ago

    We bought this model 4 years ago and installed it in a rural house we were building. We decided to move in on August 10th 2012. We started using the stove in Oct 2012. By Nov 2012 the base had
    cracked completely from front to back. The manufacturer has stated there is no warrantee beause of when we bought it and we used it incorrectly. After repairing the crack in the base of the stove, it has since developed several new cracks on the top in only 3 months of use. We have also discovered that several of the joints leak. The quality of this stove is the worst I have seen in my life! A stove that has a life of less than 3 months is hardly a good value at any price!!!!!! PLEASE reconsider before you buy one of these stoves. It is better to spend a bit more and get one built with quality. I would be pleased to email photos of the crack to anyone interested in seeing them.
    Overall rating:

    2 flames