
Aarrow Acorn 5 View stove

Overall Rating:

4.5 flames

based on 2 reviews    (View rating breakdown)
Aarrow Acorn 5 View stove

The Aarrow Acorn 5 model has been updated to the Aarrow Acorn 5 View model.

Technical Data

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Review Ratings Breakdown

Build Quality 5 flames
Quality of finish 5 flames
Value for money 5 flames
Ease of use 4.5 flames
Ease of lighting 5 flames
Firebox size 3.5 flames
How well does the airwash work 4 flames
Controllability 4.5 flames
Handle operation 2.5 flames
How likely are you to buy it again? 5 flames
What is your overall satisfaction? 4.5 flames

Most Recent Review

  • Aarow Acorn View 5: compact but powerful

    L Jennings 10 years ago

    We had this stove installed in September and have used it almost every evening since, and sometimes through the day. Provided wood is well seasoned it roars away: our flue temperature is 150
    -220 degrees C in use. We load 1 or 2 half or quarter round logs every 30 mins to an hour and it warms to room very well- sometimes too well! It certainly trips out the gas central heating thermostat with ease. I run it with both vents fully open for best burn, which reduces airwash effect but dry wood leaves little tar anyway so not a problem. The firebox is small, so ideal if you can provide/cut your own logs to size so they drop onto grate properly. I imagine bagged logs may be too long in some cases. The build is excellent and as the body is welded there are no bolts to work loose. It has the option to add a back boiler and is very compact so fits into small opening thereby reducing labour costs during installation. The ash pan is a tad fiddly but only needs emptying every 2-3 days. The handle gets hot but Aarow supply a "hot Glove" so this has never been an issue. I would buy Aaarow again.

    Stove expert replied: Ideally you should not keep both vents fully open for periods of more than 20 mins at any one time as this can caused over-firing of the stove. The bottom vent should then be shut down to provide a gentle burn rate, opening again when a max burn is required but again only for 20mins at any time. Empty the ash pan at least daily so that the ash can't build up and touch the underneath of the grate, if this is allowed the grate will have a shortened life time.

    Overall rating:

    4 flames

Most Popular Review

  • Great Stove

    AndrewGee 11 years ago

    Very pleased with this stove. We have had it for a year now and it heats our relatively small lounge (standard Victorian house) incredibly well. Easy to light and once lit and up to temperature
    it will stay very hot on approximately one decent sized log per hour. Obviously the firebox is fairly small as you would expect from a smaller stove but the heat output is incredible despite this. It will easily make the room MUCH hotter than any other form of heating (i.e. central heating, night storage etc) could. Build quality is excellent. The handle is strong and gives a tight seal. The stove is easy to control. Would definately buy again.
    Overall rating:

    5 flames