
Review of Tiger stove

Tiger Stove

Tristan Benjamin 14 years ago

Every time I open the door when it is lit, to feed it more wood or coal (It's heavy on fuel), I get a big puff of smoke in to the room. This will be my second winter with it and if it does'nt get better after replacing all the seals and the glass (twice) and having the chimmney swept extremely throughly, It will go up for sale.

Stove expert replied: this sounds like a chimney problem. lining and insulating is a possible cure, certainly a step in the right direction.

Overall rating:

2.5 flames

Build Quality 4 flames (avg 3.6)
Quality of finish 3 flames (avg 3.8)
Value for money 3 flames (avg 3.4)
Ease of use 4 flames (avg 3.8)
Ease of lighting 4 flames (avg 3.9)
Firebox size 3 flames (avg 3.4)
How well does the airwash work 1 flames (avg 2.6)
Controllability 2 flames (avg 3)
Handle operation 3 flames (avg 3.3)
How likely are you to buy it again? 1 flames (avg 2.8)
What is your overall satisfaction? 2 flames (avg 3.1)