
Review of Fireline FP5 stove

Not happy.

Martin Gregory 10 years ago

We have only had our stove fitted for 2 months also and are sad to say our second fire brick has cracked again. As we are only using kiln dried wood we feel this fire is simply not up to the job. We are also having problems damping the fire down, this seems impossible to do on this particular fire. We are awaiting answers from the company.

Stove expert replied: A flue damper may solve the problem of the over-drawing stove. Firebricks will crack but can still be used providing it is staying in place and protecting the metal of the stove.

Overall rating:

not yet rated

Build Quality not yet rated (avg 3.7)
Quality of finish not yet rated (avg 3.8)
Value for money not yet rated (avg 3.3)
Ease of use not yet rated (avg 3.8)
Ease of lighting not yet rated (avg 4)
Firebox size not yet rated (avg 3.8)
How well does the airwash work not yet rated (avg 3.5)
Controllability not yet rated (avg 3.6)
Handle operation not yet rated (avg 3.5)
How likely are you to buy it again? not yet rated (avg 3.4)
What is your overall satisfaction? not yet rated (avg 3.4)