
Review of Firefox 5 Cleanburn stove

Hard to light

Sophie Shah 10 years ago

Hi - we too bought Fire Fox 5 Cleanburn a week ago and had it installed 2 days ago. The secondary vent also has latitude of no more than 1/2cm. The supplier has advised me that this is correct and is due to the cleanburn.

I am having a lot of problem lighting the log burner as the log does not burn much and goes out straight away - unless I keep feeding with the kindling/newspapers.

The heat generated is also not much.

Any advice will be great.

Thank you

Stove expert replied: Is this flues from top or rear? Is the flue lined? I there an air brick in the room? I would suggest going back to the installer as ask them to undertake a flue draw test.

Overall rating:

not yet rated

Build Quality not yet rated (avg 3.9)
Quality of finish not yet rated (avg 4)
Value for money not yet rated (avg 4)
Ease of use not yet rated (avg 4.2)
Ease of lighting not yet rated (avg 4.2)
Firebox size not yet rated (avg 3.4)
How well does the airwash work not yet rated (avg 3.4)
Controllability not yet rated (avg 3.3)
Handle operation not yet rated (avg 2.9)
How likely are you to buy it again? not yet rated (avg 3.4)
What is your overall satisfaction? not yet rated (avg 3.8)