
Review of Clearview vision insert stove

INSTALLATION CAUTION for the Clearview vision insert stove

Ian 14 years ago

A Cautious tale \nMy wife & I after weeks & weeks of research & advise we chose what we considered the best choice of stove passable though expensive in its self the Clearview vision insert stove seemed the best financial choice by retaining our original fireplace surround. We took advice & employed a fully qualified & registered installer who specialised in our type of desired installation. The installation involved lining our chimney with a top of the range stainless liner though it did seem that a lot of the existing lining & bricks were being removed from the space behind the mantel piece? We were told this was to allow the flue pipe to be connected to the stove correctly to stop smoke & gas leaks, the installer had various problems as it seemed that space was tight. I had requested an in detailed installation guide from Clearview so that no problems were suffered, this I was insistent were adhered to as the installer wanted to fully fill all cavities with vermiculite (this was not recommended) on the second day late in the afternoon the stove was ready to be commissioned. The installer was proud to give a full demonstration all seemed in order the bill was settled and the installer went on his way.\nMy wife & I sat back to enjoy what we thought would be the end of our weeks & weeks work & preparation. On what was a very cold November evening?.\n2 hours later as we sat drink in hand celebrating. We heard & felt a huge jolt & a loud bang! \nThis came from the chimneybreast. On inspection it had cracked vertically right up to the ceiling & horizontally across the whole chimneybreast. We quickly tried to put out the stove but then another loud bang & another horizontal crack appeared & the vertical crack started to move across the ceiling. We got in touch with the installer immediately who came straight back but was baffled!, over the next week we got in touch with our insurers, Clearview, the suppliers, the installers trade group company in fact everyone that we could. To cut a very long story short (cameras up chimneys etc) stress & upset, extra bills, new ceilings different installer etc. In our experience these inset stoves need to be installed very carefully to the exact manufacturers installation instruction. Or you to could be without heat for 3 very cold winter months.\nWe did eventually get a stove installed a Clearview pioneer 400 which we are very happy with, in now what we have had converted into a much larger fireplace in which there is lots of room around the stove. By the way we have had this new one in & in use for a couple of years now. \n

Overall rating:

4.5 flames

Build Quality 5 flames (avg 4.8)
Quality of finish 5 flames (avg 4.8)
Value for money 4 flames (avg 4.3)
Ease of use 5 flames (avg 4.7)
Ease of lighting 5 flames (avg 4.8)
Firebox size 5 flames (avg 4.5)
How well does the airwash work 5 flames (avg 4.8)
Controllability 5 flames (avg 4.5)
Handle operation 5 flames (avg 4.3)
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames (avg 4.4)
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames (avg 4.5)