
Review of Prity FG W15


Alex 14 years ago

I'm 'prity' sure the previous review was written by a seller.

I have unfortunately had experience of the prity stoves.

The airwash air inlet is permanently open (at the top of the door) and the doors do not have a rope seal. This meant that the fire was totally uncontrollable and the stove glowed red! It went through a lot of wood very quickly, there's no way you could say it burnt overnight, hardly even for an hour.

Some models don't even have a properly formed door at all, just a flat sheet of steel.

Cheap but overpriced!

Stove expert replied: the main importer for these stoves has commented that this stove does in fact have rope seals on the doors.

Overall rating:

1.5 flames

Build Quality 1 flames (avg 3.4)
Quality of finish 3 flames (avg 3.9)
Value for money 1 flames (avg 4.1)
Ease of use 1 flames (avg 4.1)
Ease of lighting 3 flames (avg 4.5)
Firebox size 3 flames (avg 4.2)
How well does the airwash work 1 flames (avg 3.5)
Controllability 1 flames (avg 2.9)
Handle operation 1 flames (avg 2.9)
How likely are you to buy it again? 1 flames (avg 3.9)
What is your overall satisfaction? 1 flames (avg 4)