
Review of Firebelly FB2 stove

If Only

Mike Wall 14 years ago

If only had been able to read the review entitled "Very Disappointing" before purchasing my FB2. \n\nMy experience is exactly the same. Difficult to light, nearly impossible to keep burning, Air wash none existent (you have to open the door to see if its still burning), generates little heat, fills the room with smoke when opening the door to add more wood and ash builds up on top of the unit which has been ejected out of the top vent. \n\nIn the "Very Disappointing" review the expert suggests that this is probably the result of a poor chimmney and/or inadequate ventilation. My FB2 is not in a chimney but connected directly to an insulated Flue less than 10m long albeit with two 30 degree bends in it. The top of the flue is above the height of the roof ridge. \n\nAs for ventilation, I had the double doors to the room wide open to try and clear the smoke so I think there was adequate ventilation!\n\nFor whatever reason my flue does not appear to generate enough draw for the FB2 to function properly and I suggest potential buyers beware of this potential problem before buying.\n\n

Stove expert replied: a Firebelly is a very heavily baffled stove and this is at least probably part of the reason for the difficulty which this owner is having. Perhaps a good rule would be to make sure that the installer does a flue draught test on a couple of different days and makes sure that this is in line with the Pa rating required for a Firebelly. I will dig out the rating and post it here.

Overall rating:

1.5 flames

Build Quality 1 flames (avg 3.9)
Quality of finish 1 flames (avg 3.8)
Value for money 1 flames (avg 3.2)
Ease of use 1 flames (avg 3.8)
Ease of lighting 1 flames (avg 4)
Firebox size 5 flames (avg 4.4)
How well does the airwash work 1 flames (avg 3.4)
Controllability 1 flames (avg 3.4)
Handle operation 3 flames (avg 3.9)
How likely are you to buy it again? 1 flames (avg 3.8)
What is your overall satisfaction? 1 flames (avg 3.7)