
Review of Firebelly FB2 stove

very disappointing

NT - Devon 14 years ago

We bought a firebelly at the same time as two Stovax Gazco Rivas. The Rivas are fantastic - easy to get going and incredibly hot, and do not produce smoke. The firebelly, in contrast, does not get going quickly (or at all - it sometimes just peters out) and often smokes the room out so that we have to open all the windows to air the room (which defeats the object somewhat). The room now smells as if an old smoker lives there. Admittedly, once it is fully going, it does get very hot (but nowhere near as hot as the Rivas, and nowhere near as quickly, despite a higher rating). I would definitely not buy another one of these. If I could afford it, I would get rid of the one I had and replace it with something else. Overall, very disappointing. \n\nBy the way, I have no connection whatsover with Riva and am not seeking to promote them in any way. I only mention them to show the comparison with another make and other makes may well be equally as good (I have heard good things about Morso, for example, but I have never used one (Firebelly and Gazco are the only 2 woodburners I have ever had). \n\n

Stove expert replied: with a heavily baffled, efficient stove like a Firebelly you do need a good draw on the chimney to make it work. This sounds like a classic case of bad draw to me - ie poor chimney. Lining and insulating the chimney might help, raising the height a little and ensuring that there is sufficient ventilation air to the room.

Overall rating:

1.5 flames

Build Quality 2 flames (avg 3.9)
Quality of finish 2 flames (avg 3.8)
Value for money 1 flames (avg 3.2)
Ease of use 1 flames (avg 3.8)
Ease of lighting 1 flames (avg 4)
Firebox size 3 flames (avg 4.4)
How well does the airwash work 2 flames (avg 3.4)
Controllability 2 flames (avg 3.4)
Handle operation 3 flames (avg 3.9)
How likely are you to buy it again? 1 flames (avg 3.8)
What is your overall satisfaction? 1 flames (avg 3.7)