
Review of Esse 350 stove

Esse 350 inset

Martin Thorpe 15 years ago

We have had this stove about 3 months now and only burnt smokeless fuel in it to date, although rated at 7.5 Kw we have been a little disappointed with the heat output. Hope once we start using as a log burner it will produce more heat.

Overall rating:

4.5 flames

Build Quality 5 flames (avg 3.4)
Quality of finish 5 flames (avg 3.4)
Value for money 3 flames (avg 3.2)
Ease of use 5 flames (avg 3.9)
Ease of lighting 4 flames (avg 3.9)
Firebox size 5 flames (avg 3.5)
How well does the airwash work 4 flames (avg 3.2)
Controllability 5 flames (avg 3.3)
Handle operation 5 flames (avg 3.8)
How likely are you to buy it again? 4 flames (avg 3.2)
What is your overall satisfaction? 4 flames (avg 3.4)